Visiting the Audiologist is like going to a car dealership?

I suppose a new audiologist might not trust everything a previous audi has done. I’m also only familiar with Phonak’s Target software. I have no idea what your Resound Quattros software can do.

When I first attached my Marvel’s to my Target software, I was given the choice of downloading everything that was previously done from my Marvels or erase everything that was previously done and start from scratch. Of course I kept all previous programming. In doing so I can see and print out my original audiogram. I can see and print out the results of my previous REM. I can see everything that has been programmed on my Marvels to this point. I also have a greater appreciation for what my audiologist knows and why she cautioned me not to change anything if I don’t know what I’m doing!

thanks -

The reason I ask is she ( the 2nd provider ) was very upset at having to do all this work for the standard office co pay, as she had not received the commission for the sale of the aids. My first provider was unfamiliar with the software , and it became evident to me that she couldn’t help me. ( she was a Phonak dealer ) ( and I wanted Resounds as I already have all the accessories for the TV and the microphone ) I was referred to both via True Hearing, thru my health insurance. I had told True Hearing I was buying resounds. Actually, neither of them were resound specialists. The 2nd audio, thou was an audiologist, and with phone support I think we mostly got it done. It was a very frustrating experience thou.

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With the fitting software, the provider should be able to extract the current gain settings. However, I don’t think they can extract the audiogram or your hearing loss measurements from your hearing aid. Large providers like Costco enter that data in their computer system, and I believe they can access the audiogram even across countries. But, that is not getting it from your hearing aid…

that explains it. Thanks so much. So in order to “tweak” the settings, one would not need to extract The audiogram, but having it would be useful.

Yes, to somewhat blindly tweak the current settings they do not need an audiogram. If you want the fitting to be redone with your current loss and possibly a different prescription, it would be necessary to get an audiogram done.

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That to me is why I think people should go to an ear-expert.

I was near-sighted all my life. To see across the room (or drive) I needed glasses, it was just focus correction. To sell me glasses the tech only needs to determine the lens which makes me see far. But every one of these eye-techs/docs (there are several sorts) gave me a GOOD eye exam, looking for things they can’t fix, “not really their business”, but their training and license requires they look for ALL problems and refer as indicated. (Basically the “MD-union” tolerates “mechanics” only if they refer all MD-treatable conditions to an MD.)

Couple years ago I was not seeing well and thought I needed different eye-glass lenses. The glasses-seller knew right away (but did a full exam anyway). My eyeballs were cloudy, cataracts. No glasses would make that any better! And I hadn’t figured it out on my own. He also examed for glaucoma and retina-rot. His prescription was to go to the cataract clinic for “possible cataracts”. Knowing the cataract-doc would again check for “all” troubles and then probably slip new lenses in my eyeballs (went great).

Ears: I too was referred for a head-scan because a neuroma was borderline possible (unexplained asymmetry). While I knew I heard lop-sided I had no idea about a growth on one ear-nerve. That’s pretty fixable, but you can’t diagnosis it at home with Google/Bing.

Maybe less than 5% of older folks with hearing loss have something an MD could treat. But those 5% should not be fooling around with OTC aids if there is a medically treatable condition. I trust my eye-glasses seller to advise on my eyes, and the audiologist to advise on my ears, before selling eye/ear-aids.


Costco does REM on all HA’s sold…

Costco’s policy is to do REM, unfortunately not all their fitters do REM. This has been my personal experience.

My Costco only started doing REM on my hearing after I specifically requested it, but now routinely for me without request, which I appreciate.

It pays to be an informed consumer!

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I think it sounds like a great idea for customers.

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Here is why I think it is a bad idea at this particular point in the history of our industy.

The average person getting a hearing test for, according to the studies done on the topic, for eight years after they begin to notice issues with their hearing. When you combine a hearing system that has been declining for 8 to 15 years, with all of the promises that manufacturers make about their products, it leaves a lot of room for dissatisfaction.

So a person buys hearing aids from a manufacturer, no fitting professional, no one to hold their hand through all the tinny, scratchy, loud sounds that they hear during the first few days or weeks of wearing hearing aids, they will throw in the towel and send the aids back, and put off doing anything else about their hearing for another 5, 8, or 10 years, during which time their hearing is declining further, giving them less chance of success than when they started years earlier.

The value of getting hearing aids from a high quality, seasoned professional is not in the hearing aids, but in the counseling, guidance, and understanding the patient’s complaints and how to adjust for them, and walk them through the process.

Not to mention that the independent dispenser is largely responsible for the success of the manufacturers, and going direct to the consumer is sort of kicking those who helped you become a giant in the industry to the curb.


There is also the value of “fledgling” professionals learning from those with more experience. Compassion can’t be taught from a book, but I think a little of it might be absorbed from repeated exposure. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve been wearing hearing aids for over 35 years. I noticed the decline in college, got hearing aids in my 30’s. Never, have I received much more than basic routine care, with some problem solving if I complain about something. Maybe I haven’t been lucky, maybe I am not demanding enough. Over time, I have been reading and learning on sites like this one, so now, I can ask more and advocate for myself better. My husband gets his from the VA, in general there is one follow up visit, and then up to you to ask for more help. That is my experience also in the community. Most of the elderly population isn’t going to need or want a whole lot of follow up. I am more demanding now, I still work, and want accessories and phone, theaters, and TV . My husband wants to tinker with NOTHING. Doesn’t even want any programs. My providers appear to know less than I and we usually wind up on the phone with Resound tech support. So, if I could I’d hook up with them and have them tinker. They are the only ones that know what they are doing. give them virtual control over my hearing aids, and I’d be happy as a clam. That is how the computer tech people work now. They just take virtual control and fix the blinking machine.


I deleted my original reply and multiple updates so I could post this. I learned that my Au D of the past 3-4 years is no longer practicing at the clinic where I’ve been going since I started wearing aids 20+ years ago. Instead, they have an HIS now. I’m leery of this change. However, to be fair, I’m leery of any change.
But I decided she deserved a chance–It took a month for it to come about, but I will be picking up my latest HAs tomorrow. I am also hoping to get the firmware update for my current Marvels and have my backups “tweaked” to fit my new prescription.

I’m trialing a pair of Marvel 90’s right now. And the price this aud practice wants is $1500 more than another aud practice I checked with. So don’t tell me there isn’t a ridiculous profit margin in HA’s. I don’t have a problem with a business making money…but gouging people, especially older people just pisses me off. I’m lucky that my insurance will pickup a large portion of my cost. The repeated nonsense about overhead, return visits, etc. is a worn out excuse. Hopefully in the near future the research being done with gene therapy will yield a treatment that will restore the damaged cochlea in our ears…but we’ll probably get charged out the wazoo for that as well…:slight_smile:

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My experience between an audiologist and a used car salesmen is that all used car salesmen are crooks. They always try to get you to pay the most money. Whereas there are audiologist out there that actually care. Where I find them to be equal is if I don’t trust either of them I get up and walk away

Ok, so I guess this is a high-tech version of talking to myself. But talking to myself is better than talking to someone who isn’t there right? :upside_down_face:
Anyway–I met with the new HIS and picked up the new hearing aids yesterday; there are some issues with streaming, but I think we’ll be able to work 'em out. She was able to adjust both old and new aids to fit my current prescription as well as installing the firmware update to the old ones.
We had a discussion about my concerns regarding apparent symptoms of Meniere’s Disease that I have been experiencing and I was impressed with her knowledge regarding the condition. I left the office feeling quite relieved on that score; however, I still plan to keep the appointment with my ENT next month. My next meeting with HIS will be after that.
At this point, I’m thinking we’ll do ok as long as I keep both ENT and HIS in the LOOP :smiling_imp:

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I have worked with HIS that do as good as the best audiologists I have worked with. I have also worked with some that I would not send my worst relation to. I have also worked with audiologists that do fantastic jobs and others I would never recommend someone go to. There are great and terrible in both disciplines, use your head and your gut feeling and if it does not feel right, go elsewhere. The fact that it is an AuD, MS, MA or HIS has no real bearing on the outcome, it is the person you are dealing with determines your level of satisfaction.


It’s almost as if there are differently skilled people, with their own individual personalities, in the world in most any field you can name :slight_smile: