Views on hearing services (waiting times and alternate service delivery) in the UK

The healthcare technology team at Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom, is studying the experience of hearing-impaired people in accessing hearing services in the UK and their views on alternate modes of service delivery to increase accessibility. If you have used these services in the UK, I request that you kindly participate in this study.

The study is in the form of an online survey (about 10 minutes)
Survey Details:
Survey Link: Microsoft Forms

“The survey only takes approximately 10 mins to complete, and your participation is voluntary. However, your contribution will greatly assist us in shaping the future direction of our project.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the investigator (”

14 week wait for a broken hearing aid, madness!

14 week wait with no hearing!


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