Vibrational cleaning of Oticon ear wax filters

I found it a bit odd to just throw away wax filters as they charge 2€ for such a slight bit of plastic. So I ordered a crappy cleaner from Aliexpress for 5€

I put the filters in the provided contact lens container and cleaned them with some detergent in about 10min. Very nice!

So does anyone have any experience with the chance that reused filters will pop out of the custom mold?

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Package of six is US$4.95 on amazon; about €2.52, or €0.42 each.

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Or just get a few packs of Cerustops instead; they’re the same effective diameter.

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10 packs of 8 Cerustops are 18$ on and 31€ on So that a lot more in the Netherlands.
However, 5 packs of 6 ProWax minifit are 18€ on and 3 packs of 6 ProWax minifit are 9€ on So that’s nearly the same and a lot cheaper than my hearing aid dispenser.

So the Cerustops are 39 €cents and the ProWax are 60€cents. That’s a huge difference from the 2€ they charge normally. Probably it’s cheaper to have them send the Cerostop’s over from than buying them Yep, it’s 29€, so 36€cents.

Sometimes I get really tired of all the different prizes. Almost makes me want to keep cleaning them vibrationally. :wink:

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