VA Oticon aids dead?

Got caught in a down pour two days ago and now aids are down and out! These are More 1 aids. When I try and charge them the left one just blinks green. The right one blinks yellow twice fast over and over. I have other equipment I was more worried about keeping dry than my aids at the time. I was hoping since they were water resistant that they may have survived but like I said, it was a down pour. I have an appt to take them to my va clinic and drop off for repair but was just wondering if their might me a self help fix available. Thanks.

Get them in a dryer. If you don’t have a dryer, do you have any of those little packets that come in pill bottles? Some of those in a tightly sealing jar may do the trick.



Do as @WhiteHat says then get to your VA clinic to get them repaired or replaced. You should be able to just do a walk in for getting the aids taken care of. You will net get them back the same day. More than likely they will have to be sent to the repair depot.

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If they are still under warranty the VA will send them to the manufacturer for repair and 9 times out of 10 you will end up we new aids.


@lgbuck62 be sure to ask if you can borrow some loaners.


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Thanks for the feedback. Since we are at the beach right now I will just hold off doing any self help. They have given me an appt to drop them off on 8/2. Luckily, they have already given me a back up set of aids. With any luck they will upgrade me from the more 1’s to the newest version of Oticons. Will have to remember to get them out of my ears quicker next time a flood drops in. But, I had other electrical equipment I was wearing that was more important at the time.