VA hearing aid repair getting slow

I just got off the phone with the Patient Advocate. I told her I didn’t want to get anyone in trouble but I would like to know why it’s taking so long. That they had been repaired in March and were broke again in May. And I just wanted answers. I told her my back up pair don’t work too good. And they told me I couldn’t get new ones until Dec. 2025. And I had heard the Dr can override that if you need new ones. She took all the info so maybe I’ll hear so good news.


That is ridiculous to have to wait that long to get your aids repaired. What clinic are you using? I would be in my audiologist’s face if it even took a month. I have been getting my aids from the VA for about 20 years and have never waited that long for supplies or repairs.

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If you are service related hearing loss she isn’t telling you the truth. I got my Real1 last October and my INTENT1 aids this June. Now i am 50%disabled just from my hearing loss. But you should be getting better service.


The VA replacement date is based on the warranty. They like for you to keep them until the factory warranty expires. I have been using VA Audiology for over 40 years and they have always done the best they can. Hopefully your old aids are working well enough for you to get along until your “new ones” are returned.
Best Wishes,


This is the normal case, but the audiologist can order new ones if there is a reason in their opinion that would significantly help the patient. Could be new tech or worsening hearing, but they can do it if they write the justification.



Not always, I have been getting my aids from thr VA for almost 20 years. I have seen as much as almost 5 years between getting aids and as close as 8 months between getting aids. I also have my primary and backup aids that are in warranty and kept fully updated and adjusted to my hearing loss requirements.

I have a update. I kept calling my local Baton Rouge VA clinic that I go to. I got tired of waiting on the phone to talk to someone. So I called my Senator’s office and told them I was having a problem with the Baton Rouge VA with my hearing aids. I explained everything to them. They said they would send me a release to sign and send by so they could look into it.
So after I got off the phone with the Senator’s office I decided to see if I could talk to someone in Audiology at the New Orleans VA hospital.
I did get someone there and I explained everything to her.
She told me she was going to call the factory and check on what was going on. She said she would call me back in about 10 mins.
Well about 15 mins later she called and said they had send them to the wrong address. I don’t know where they went and she didn’t tell me. BUT she said they are sending me NEW aids and they would be like aids I had. So I guess I’m getting Resound One since that what they lost. She said it would probably be about a week and they would be in the mail.
I asked her about my program and she said it should be in them. I didn’t think to ask about my custom molds.
I guess we will see what I get.

I am service connected for bilateral hearing loss and Tinnitus.

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