I don’t know if anyone can help but I have phonak hearing aids connected to my iPhone 8 and set to always use hearing aids but when I connect to CarPlay I don’t get navigation directions to my aids it comes from car speakers even though I have whatever map app I am using set to play directions as Bluetooth phone call, so just to clarify when I get into car phone connects to CarPlay home screen and when I open a map on iPhone and start directions voice prompts come to my hearing aids as it should , as soon as I open the map on car screen no sound to hearing aids. if anyone has any suggestions on how I can force map apps or phone to keep using hearing aids would be much appreciated.
iphone 8 IOS 13, phonak marvel aids, wireless CarPlay.
Thanks in advance Dell
Working as designed. I’ve tried what you’re asking, but when it connects to CarPlay, it uses BT and that connection takes over. You can’t use 1/2 BT for CarPlay and 1/2 BT for HA.
My CarPlay only uses Bluetooth to connect once connected it drops Bluetooth and uses WiFi, I have checked this in settings and it is saying CarPlay Bluetooth not connected ,so as I can use WiFi and Bluetooth at same time in house I can’t see any reason why it would be any different in car,
If I understand correctly, you’re trying to have iPhone send info to car and hearing aids at the same time? Have you been able to that in other use cases? You’d mentioned doing something similar in the house? Definitely interested in hearing if you get this worked out, but I’m skeptical.
No video to car working sound to aids Not working The. Video is to car/CarPlay I only get sound to car speakers when I select AUX if I don’t select AUX then the sound should come to my aids but it doesn’t even though I have iPhone call audio routing to use Bluetooth Headset and whatever map app I am using set to use Bluetooth.
Definitely over my head. If it were me, I’d consult with tech support. Definitely interested in what you find out. I’ve yet to hear from anybody that could have smartphone interact with GPS and stream voice from GPS to hearing aids.
If I go to settings WiFi it has connected to CarPlay, if go to settings Bluetooth it has CarPlay NOT CONNECTED the CarPlay has a WiFi antenna, so I am sure as the fitter told me I have CarPlay connected with WiFi
Dells, please see my reply above, unless your car has a WiFi network (as do some BMW’s I have been told) you do not have Wifi in your car, in your house if you have internet, you should have a WiFi connection, bluetooth is not the same tech.
It seems to me that when you’re using an app on the phone, the HF or A2DP BT profiles are connected to the HA. When you switch to using the app in the car, it’s going to use the car audio resources, making the assumption that you’re in the car you want to use the car audio resources rather than your headphones.
If you think about it, the average BT headphone user is not allowed to use their headphones in the car. It may be different with using a BT one-eared headset, but the audio assumption in a mapping program is that it’s going through the standard audio which would be A2DP in BT which would mean a 2-ear headphone which would be illegal to use in the car.
I sincerely don’t think it’s a limitation of BT; the app or the system could decide to use whatever audio routing it wanted, assuming it had the OS resources to make that decision. But most designers don’t want to screw around with considering the extra use cases and extra GUI issues to support this.
All the apps that I’ve seen use the default audio connection when running on the phone, and use the car audio when running in/with the car.
The one exception I’ve seen is my Android Phone app for phone calls. Once you’re in a call it lets you select manually between BT car, BT headset (or HA as the case may be), handset, or phone speakerphone.
So I agree with mwsumner: working as designed. It’s too bad they don’t have more options. The options may have been available (since the Android Phone app can do it), but the developers just didn’t want to go to that level of effort, largely IMO because the only use case they could envision would have been illegal (2-ear headphone).
Hi Haggis
Thanks for the explanation, so the fact that I set phone to use Bluetooth Headset in call audio routing and set the map app to use Bluetooth as Bluetooth phone call is ignored if this is the case then why should it work with wireless ear pods ?.
Just to add when I make a phone call through CarPlay the sound comes to my aids, it’s only when I am using navigation app I don’t get sound to them.
Okay Haggis
On my iPhone 8 IOS 13 I have set call audio routing to use Bluetooth Headset, on the navigation app I have set to play sound via Bluetooth as Bluetooth phone call, when I am connected to CarPlay if I make or receive a call the sound comes to my hearing aids as it should, if I open navigation app out of the car voice directions come to my aids as I would expect, but as soon as I am connected to CarPlay I don’t get sound to my aids or car speakers, although I think it should, I only get sound through car speakers when I turn on AUX as it should.
But if I use wireless ear pods ( I haven’t got any they are my sons) it all works as I expect it to with my aids.
I always thought that CarPlay was just an extension of my phone.
I hope that makes sense.
Perfect sense, thank you. So I am as perplexed as you. Apparently, the iPhone can distinguish between AirPods and BT HAs, and it “deprecates” the HA’s inasmuch as it prefers going to the car bluetooth when connected and having to choose between BT devices. But why, I don’t know. Some idiosyncratic assumptions in the programming. Maybe CYA safety based.
That what I can’t understand as car Bluetooth switched off and CarPlay Bluetooth not connected as it uses WiFi once connected,I have checked this in settings.
When I start car CarPlay Bluetooth connects then it connects to WiFi and it drops Bluetooth