Using an OTC hearing aid without a smartphone

My elderly beloved aunt needs hearing aids. One of the problems she’s facing is that she does not have a cell phone, and from experience it is clear that she has difficulty using a smartphone. A lot of OTC hearing aids seem to require a smartphone to run their control app. I would like to ask for help on two related issues:

  1. Do any manufacturers still provide the older key fob sized remote controller with manual buttons?

  2. Bluetooth seems to be the communication protocol used by most manufacturers. Does anyone make a little Bluetooth remote that can be set to communicate with 1 of many manufacturer’s hearing aids? I’m remembering the old “universal remotes” that you could use to control your TV set if you had lost the remote control that came with it.

Thank you very much for considering my question!

Is the smartphone required while wearing it or just for setup and settings changes.

Thank you for your reply! As I understand it, the smartphone is just for setup and settings changes. The models I’ve looked at don’t require the smartphone to be on while wearing the aid. They seem to use the smartphone as a remote control for the hearing aid.
Best regards,

Are you close, geographically, and can do the setup and occasional adjustments using the app?

Regrettably I live over a thousand miles away from my aunt. Otherwise I’d be happy to help her.

They do, but not the OTC types that I know of, prescription models from a few manufacturers are still offering remote controls, might be a good idea to get your aunt into a Audiology clinic for a evaluation on what’s required and from there you’ll be able to know what’s suitable for her loss.

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Not sure about where you are but in the UK Widex have the RC Dex showing available online from a UK seller. This controls the volume & programmes. I can use it with my Evokes and Moments.

Thank you very much for the advice. I am changing course here from an OTC type to a visit to an audiology clinic. There’s just too many variables for me to do a good job for her from 1000 miles away. She lives in New York City, so there’s going to be a wide array of clinics to choose from.
I appreciate your help very much!
Best regards,

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Thank you for your very useful reply. I looked up Widex and they do have sales in the USA. The RC Dex is exactly the type of remote I was trying to find! As I mentioned in an earlier post, I will get her to an audiology clinic, but the Widex units look to be a very good option.
Thank you, I am much obliged.
Best regards,

Very pleased to help, these things can be challenging. I like the rc dex as the buttons are big, it beeps every time you go up or down one in volume. There’s a double beep for back to normal volume & the centre button for programme change when it will announce name of programme. I use it if needed in cinema as don’t want to get phone out.

With Widex they are great hearing aids & it’s best to look for a dispenser who fits Widex a lot so will be familiar with the set up.

The Phillips 9040 and successor models may be run with a small hand-held push button device instead of a cell phone–no phone required. I don’t think it’s a ‘universal’ device; it’s proprietary.