The signal through the compilot isn’t quite as good as the signal through the boots, if that is what you are used to. Plus, there’s no option to have both mics-on and mics-off program, you have to pick one or the other as there is only a single roger program available when done through the coompilot.
But yeah, as others have said, the connection with the Roger X is tight. I’ve never experienced one coming off.
Yeah, but because there is only one program you have to pick whether to attenuate the mics or not. That might be fine if you are used to always using roger devices with attenuated mics, but if might be annoying if you like having two programs so you can make the choice about whether to attenuate the mics or not given the situation.
It’s not a HUGE difference in the sound, but it’s a difference. It may or may not be meaningful to you. The signal is also a little bit more subject to interference via the compilot.
I have owned both, shoes and the X. The thing I liked about the X on the Compilot2 was a steady stream of sound to both ears. With the boots on the aids I would lose sound to one or the other ear pending on my head location to the Roger transmitter.
I would like to change the direction of these posts. I have Costco Phonak Brio R 312 HAs which I have had for 4 years. I would like to use an inherited Roger Pen 1.1. I have a Compilot. According to Phonak I should be able to attach a Roger X to the Compilot and use the Roger Pen. I hope to purchase a used Roger X on Ebay. According to what I read on the Phonak web site there is a problem with an “empty Roger X”, meaning that necessary serial number information has been removed for installing the Roger Pen on Phonak Marvel HAs. If the used Roger X is “empty” does that mean it cannot be used with a Compilot for older Phonak HAs? And without purchasing and trying the Roger X is there any way to discover whether it is empty?
If it’s the silver colour rather than the champagne colour it won’t be empty. There’s a serial number cut-off too, but off the top of my head I don’t know what it is. E.g. all serial numbers in advance of 14XXXXXXX would be fine.
Of course, there’s also the chance that if you buy a Roger X off of ebay it will just be broken.
is this still the case zebra. im hesitating between sky m30 or m70 or m90. if i take the m30 i would definitely take the roger pen… can you review this out for me.