Hi. Can somebody please send me a download link for the most up to date Signia Connexx software? Thank you!
Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, please be sure to research and read the user guides before starting your DIY projects, and don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device.
Hello. Can somebody please send me a download link for Signia Connexx9 software? I have a noahlink wireless 2.
Thank you!
Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, please be sure to research and read the user guides before starting your DIY projects as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.
Thank you very much!
Hi All, please can I get the software for Signia Connexx please?
Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go but do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time and don’t forget the Noahlink wireless programming device.
I am new to hearing aids. I obtained through government subvention the Signia Pure 312AX but the audiologist only setup the universal program and i’m looking at options to be able to create new programs for different scenarios since the unit seems to support it. I’d also like to look at the tinnitus options/features since i’ve have tinnitus for over 20 years now and if I can also find some relief, big bonus. I still need to buy the unit to program but im not worried about that. I’ve seen people talking about giving a download link for the software. Is it free ? Can i really download the program (if someone is nice enough to provide a download link) and use it or are there extra costs for the software as well ?
New to this, have had my hearing aids for a week now, but nice to be able to hear better now. Any information / help is greatly appreciated.
Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, please be sure to research and read the user guides before starting your DIY projects as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time, and yes you’ll want to get the Noahlink wireless programming device for any DIY, only cost is the NLW and your HAs😉