Update firmware oticon intent 1

Today I was with my audiologist and he told me that a new firmware version came out - oticon intent 1. Five minutes for update. Does anyone know about the improvements or news that have occurred? Where I can view the changes?


From what i can find it is mostly connectivity improvements. The other improvements were just a statement with no explanation. From whar someone said was something about android, Samsung S23 connectivity

Do you have a firmware version number for the update?

Version 1.0.1: recent firmware.

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Thanks, I still have 1.0.0.

Does it update through the app or do I need my audiologist to update for me?

What I have read is you have to have your audiologist do the update.

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If you’re a DIY with access to the Oticon Genie 2 and the NoahLink Wireless interface (like your HCP does), then you should be able to update the firmware yourself. But not through the Oticon Companion app.


Picked up my Intents yesterday and my Audi had updated them to 1.01 firmware already. This will have to be done at the audiologist.