Hello, I recently got a Widex TV-Dex (both the base base and controller) and I managed to pair them up with my own Widex Unique.
Now, funny thing: at the moment my sister was sitting right behind me (think booth seat sofas, one side facing the tv, the other side facing a table and window), and she’s got a pair of widex unique HAs as well. Funny thing is: while pairing my own hearing aids, it seems like one of hers got caught in the range and now the tv dex is playing the sound in both of my HAs and in her left HA, which is kind of annoying, to her at least.
I tried pairing mine again far from her, but it doesn’t undo her connection.
So long as she stays 2 or more meters away from me she won’t hear anything, but if she comes closer, to read or do homework at the table the audio will begin playing for her as well…
Is there any way to do this without visinting an audiologist or needing any other devices and/or software?
Hi, it may be that you have to work around it. I experienced my first time of streaming when I upgraded a family member to dreams and it came in on my Widex customs. If I see another family member who has Widex and I have my Evokes and COM-DEX, he will pick up my music or calls if within 1-2 metres. There needs to be a good range to ensure you get the smooth signal, but if there are other Widex aids nearby they need to keep outside of the “pickup” zone in order not to connect up too. It caught me out to start with but we soon learnt to work around it by being at a slightly different angle.
It’s quite simple as far as devices go.
Power, silence, vol up, vol down.
To pair with HAs without an audiologist, you press vol up + down at the same time for a few secs.
I don’t know how to unpair em, haven’t found ANYTHING about that, and would be nice if the manuals were better, but they didn’t even mention how to pair em to begin with…
Some Widex devices can be picked up by other Widex devices without being paired to, therefore you can’t actually unpair from it as such, as per my post above. I have learnt to adapt my position, or not go too close. As three family members have Widex, I have got used to it and it isn’t a problem once adjustments are made.
Or maybe if you have a mate who has a TV-DEX and who she has no reason to visit ever, you could pair her aid to that one instead? Mind you I don’t know whether that would overwrite the existing accidental pairing.