Unitron VS Phonak vitus VS Phonak terra+

Hello, I am a hearing aid user with a Profound hearing loss in India. I have been using Phonak Nadia Q30 for years. As the HA are quite old, I started to think about getting a new HA. As I don’t think an advanced model would really improve my speech recognition, I would like to stick with the “affordable” models. Also, I don’t have much choice in my city.

@firenzel might have knowledge on these Aids.

i made a juxtaposition from Hearingtraker’s Phonak and Unitron overview

Unitron are a sister company to Phonak and use the same chipset and have the same features.

Naida Q (Quest) is 2012/2013 generation.

Unitron T (Tempus) is 2017 generation, and should be similar tech as Naida B (Belong) , no Bluetooth

Why not try the new Phonak Terra+ BTE UP ?


Actually Phonak/ Unitron are exactly the same, Hansaton as well, there’s talk that sonova products make a comeback at Costco, Unitron/Hansaton would be a logical choice.

You can buy Lumity Trials UP aids on eBay for $725. You will also need to buy Noahlink Wireless and you will have to reset the trial period once in 10 weeks. If you can not afford such a great deal on most advanced UP aids, then I don’t know what to suggest.

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Hello. The link has limited info. Do you have any idea what chipset was used in Terra+ BTE UP?

i assume that Phonak Terra+ hearing aids use the PRISM/Sword chipset of the Phonak Paradise with limited features (e.g. no Roger direct)

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Any idea about the chipset used in the phonak terra model with 8 channels that was released earlier this year??? pls answer