Unitron programming software and cables/wireless link

Hi, Ford. I am new on this forum, I just had my audiologist set up a pair of gifted tempus moxifit 500’s for me. I would like to try adjusting some settings myself. I just bought a icube2, I need software for it. Would you be willing to share the program with me? Thanks in advance!

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I am guessing it is TrueFit you need. But of you need older UFit ask again.

Yep, it’s TrueFit 5.3 you need. We’re you able to self download TrueFit 5.3?


I tried the self downloader, but the python script errors out- something about no download folder… :frowning:

Tenkan just shared Unitron TrueFit 1 with me, will that work for my HA?

When it asks for you to select a download Folder just press Enter to default to your Download folder.

It’s easy to use the built-in updater if you need the very latest version.

Yes it will work for your hearing aids.

Ill try to copy the errors for you. Going to try a restart of the computer

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Here is the error output message: