Unitron Moxi V - cant read out data


After spending a lot of time I was successfully able to aquire Noahlink hardware and Truefit software, got everything running and could connect my hearing aids (Unitron Moxi V).

Well then in the last step the huge disapointment arrived:
When I tried to read out the settings from the hearing aids I got the error message, that these settings are passwort-protected and I got promted to enter a password …

So all these efforts for nothing?
Or is there a way around?
Is this now typical procedure in the hearing aid industry, or is this a rare exception and if I find an other hearing aid seller I may get the aids without this restriction?


Yeah that’s totally unacceptable, can you show a screenshot, so no it’s not common at all, yes some rebranded models are locked but where did you buy them from? because you can ask for this to be removed so that you can get any audiologist clinic to program them(no need to tell them it’s a DIY project your doing)
If they won’t remove the password hand them back and go elsewhere.

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