Tweaking the Oticon More

@flashb1024, yes I know, but because I am newby, I am a bit reluctant to already use. I mean perhaps I first give my brains to adjust.

@jeffrey Did you noticed that the feedback manager is disabled by default when you add MyMusic for the first time in the program manager (see enclosed images)

Bert: no, I have a Signia AX7 and wasn’t looking in detail at the charts. Again, the feedback manager issue arises A LOT in discussions across brands in the musicians with hearing loss forum that I frequent. In any case, good on Oticon! And in fact the Musician program on my Signia aids is very good. Until recently audis had to do much more than deal with the feedback manager when installing a music program. Signia, and it looks like Oticon, have finally gotten on board and done at least some of the necessary work in advance.

Great to see @flashb1024 and others sharing DIY knowledge! :grinning:


The Fitting Assistant offers suggestions for how to adjust gain in MyMusic or any other program to adjust for shrill / dull / boomy / distorted music (for different input levels, by x number of dB. Go to Apply Solution and then click additional solution: as in this photo:

Hello, I am trying to understand the logic of the curve and the values below. I experimenting Genie2 software and did a simulation of your right ear profile and the left is my left profile. Hopefully this is not a rude experiment? And the calculated values are different as you mentioned, but I am trying to understand the logic. Especially because you are using values above target values.
Next, I am also confused about the 3 rows and it’s values. I an have the idea I am missing a kind of clue related to the CR values because only values in the soft row are matching the graph values the other row puzzles me extreme. Knowledge is lacking !!
can You or @Volusiano give me a clue?

Hi @robinwood, and Welcome to the forum!

I talked to my audi about my values being above targetr, and he told me I was within acceptable gains.
I’m no expert, so I took his word for it.

So, you can see how the 3 gain curves are all scrunched together in the mid frequencies.

These represent 45dB SPL (Soft), 65dBSPL (Medium), and 85dB SPL, (Loud).

The idea is to set those frequencies in which the graphs are too close together, to be an equal distance apart.

It’s really a test it then try it exercise.

Oticon gives us no control over the CR values, they are automatically adjusted in relation to the gain settings. Try to adjust the gains, and keep the CR values below 2dB.

Yes the fitting assistant can be a helpful tool, in general.
If you want more granular control, you’ve got to manually adjust the gains.

BTW, don’t forget when you want to make changes to only 1 program to “Unlink” the icon you see between P1 & P2 by clicking on it, or else the changes will be across all programs.

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Alrighty then. I made the changes to the More music program suggested by @flashb1024 and it helped significantly. It’s not the Widex but it’s alright.

Also made the changes that @Volusiano suggested to the NNP and that too was beneficial. Also had the Aud brighten the sound up a tad and that has also helped. Still SIN is the rough one. It’s an improvement over the Evoke 440 but I still struggle. I must say though that in every other situation they shine.

So the 30 days is up next Tues. and taking the advice of @Neville and @Um_bongo I’ll be testing a set of P 90s. I have 45 days with them so I’ll give them a week on their own and then I’ll plug in a Roger On iN and see how that works out for SIN.

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I’m loving my new Signia AX 7’s. Worth a try, perhaps…?

Maybe. But based on my asymmetrical loss and suggestions by Audiologists here, and some very encouraging experiences by users on the forum here as well I’m looking at the Phonak Paradise coupled with a Roget ON iN device. Thanks for the suggestion though.

I have been toying with my Genie 2 software and my More 1 HA for a while, but I have the feeling I am getting nowhere.
What brings me here is of course the Music program.
What am I doing in my fine tuning that make my HA act as if a limiter is on?
I am getting a crisp sound, very enjoyable, but it never lasts more than a 10-20 seconds and then the “limiter” muffles the sound as if I had my hands on my ears.
After 10-20 seconds it goes away and then again and again.

I have the feeling that I do not know what I am doing with the Soft, Moderate, Loud and MPO values. I think that if I understood better how these relate to music I would get better results.
My audio cannot help me. I must be able to do it myself.
The material I read up until now did not really clarify that matter.
Does anybody have any more information on how to tweak these values to my needs and get rid of this “limiter” and let me enjoy my music?

Hey so much has been written about this very issue, just use the search button from right here on hearingtracker to find out how you can make improvements to your music program.

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Ok, I got what you mean. I read a lot and started to toy with the program again. I do have 2 questions though:

  1. what is exactly the target curve? I guess it is derived from my audiogram, right? I see in the previous posts that almost every one is straying way above it. What does it mean in terms of overload for my ears? And specifically for music?
  2. What exactly does the feedback margin zone mean in the music program? I mean the feedback management is off anyway, so…

P.S I applied these new settings and went listening to some music. I gained in stability :+1:t2:

I don’t use Oticon’s myself, there are others that know a lot “More” about your HAs then I do.

Yes and also what acoustics were used.

Is that the MyMusic program your referring to? So I’m not sure why they would be above the target gain, must be how they like it? You can experiment with this yourself to see what level you are happy with.

Well I wouldn’t worry to much about this, the HAs have a MPO setting when you program them, it won’t go past this unless you manually increase it (don’t change these settings just yet, could be a time in the future, but definitely not now) as your just learning the basics, over time you can do all sorts of changes.

Basically the same as in any other program I would say, so when the HA picks up any feedback, the thresholds
(margins) are meet and the feedback manager will kick in and reduce the gain curves to help eliminate it, Oticon has its own way of doing it I believe, so the coloured part at the top is the feedback margins for your MyMusic program, in Genie2 the default feedback settings is “Low” unless you turn it off manually.