Trying to find phone solutions for my Phonak hearing aids


There are a number of solutions that may work for you.

Phonak has a ‘phone’ mode for landline phones that takes the signal going in one aid and splitting it between both sides so you can hear the caller in both ears which can be a great help.

Telecoil is most likely built into your aids as the VA tends to go top level with what they provide.

Both of these options would need to be enabled by your audiologist.

The aids should work with any Bluetooth phone that uses the Hands Free Profile. See: Phonak Support Community

The last option that I am aware of is that Phonak sells a landline cordless phone the Phonak DECT that should solve your problem:

Hope this helps you find a solution.


These stopped working from the Marvel technology. They only worked for Venture and Belong technology.

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Telecoil is not just only in top level hearing aids.

If it’s the Audeo range, you need to get the Audeo with T in the description/name.

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And it isn’t automatic with the VA. My audiologist and I agreed not to get the telecoil version. At this point I wouldn’t want to give up a program slot for a feature I never use. @JBC

@sailorsong I hope you find a solution, and can report back success!


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