Troubleshooting Oticon/iPhone streaming issue?

Hi all,
Relatively new HA user here (9 months in) and trying to hunt down a strange bug with my setup.

Oticon Real 3 miniRITE - 1.1.0
iPhone 13 Pro 17.6.1

Solid phone/HA connection for phone calls, but audio streaming (Apple Music, YouTube, etc.) simply doesn’t come through (when I change the output to the phone speaker the music is on, then switch over to the HA just get silence).

I’ve combed through the various threads on iPhone/Oticon issues and couldn’t find quite this issue. I have tried the suggestion of deleting and re-adding the HA suggested in other threads but no change.

Just to make it more confusing:

  1. Audio streaming from iPhone worked briefly after getting the HAs then couldn’t get it going again
  2. A small number of Facebook autoplay videos will include audio from iPhone, but that’s it (except phone calls and notifications which come through fine)
  3. Right now audio streaming (and device handoff) works fine from my iPad (16.7.10)

Grateful for any other ideas! I’m seeing my aud in 6 weeks but don’t have a lot of hope for tech support troubleshooting there.

With thanks,

Turn off your iPad Bluetooth.

Delete the iPhone pairing on your phone settings. Turn off the phone Bluetooth.

Fully re-boot the phone.

Re-engage Bluetooth, re-start the aids, pair the aids to the phone.

Don’t turn on the iPad BT unless you’ve also deleted the pairing there as it will hijack the Bluetooth connection from your phone.

BLE doesn’t handle orphaned legacy connections very well. If your phone lives away from where you charge or re-start your hearing aids you can create a new pairing at each boot - eventually one or both connections times out at handshake. That’s before you throw in the extra complication of a second device.

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Also your Real aids needs an update the latest firmware is 1.1.1

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@Um_bongo thanks for the assistance - just gave this a quick run through (and have left the iPad off for good measure) but afraid I’m stuck in the same loop.

It seems like the iPhone/HA BT connection is actually stable - live listen works fine, 2-way audio works fine for phone calls, Zoom, Teams - it’s just media (audio from Apple Music, YouTube, Netflix, etc.) that doesn’t come through.

I’m stumped!

@cvkemp Thank you for the heads up - I don’t get an option to update in the Companion app but will be sure to ask the Aud about this

That’s an iOS routing issue then. Are there other speaker/ headphone options set?

Unfortunately Oticon isn’t updating the firmware through the app, at least not yet.

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Thanks - that makes sense. Unfortunately iOS doesn’t seem to expose a lot of those controls.

The one setting I’ve seen referenced on the forum is audio routing - I have tried all of the options here and no change in behavior:

And when I put on an audio source it plays on the iPhone speaker but zero audio through the HA:

Appreciate if any other controls or resets come to mind.

Thanks so much!

Well this looks like some good old fashioned user error - thank you @Um_bongo for putting me on the right track here to scrub through all the audio settings.

This was the setting causing my troubles:

My setup is a CROS - full loss in right ear, normal hearing in left - this setting must have stuck from old BT earbuds before I switched over to HAs.

Thanks again - grateful for the support of this community