Trialing Oticon Real1 MiniRITE T

I’m trying to decide if I should replace my Oticon OPNs, and if so, with what? I’ve updated my audiogram. But I guess word comprehension has changed because I can’t update it and it doesn’t display in posts. In any case, it sucks: R 52% & L 68%, WRS 95dB HL. Also, I’ve had 4 stapedotomy operations.
So far, I don’t perceive a big benefit to the Reals. They are tuned to higher amplification at all frequencies, so they sound different e.g., louder environment sounds and my own voice seems like it has a reverberation-like sound. The main benefit I can detect is that, with max speech-in-noise program, it seems like better amplification of higher frequencies allows me to better understand the person talking to me if there is minimal background noise. I Invited friends to dinner at a medium-noisy restaurant, and my ability to understand them (trying 3 programs) seemed no better than with my OPNs.
A problem that has my audi (& Oticon rep) stumped is that the Reals often disconnect and don’t automatically reconnect (Sometimes R, sometimes L) to my iPhone 7. Had no disconnect problems with my OPNs.
Any advice?

I have a question, are you using domes are custom ear molds. You really should be using ear molds, they make a world of difference, in the way things sound. They also help with background noise. At this time I am still wearing my More1 aids, but will getting my Real1 aid’s early next month. I wear acrylic ear molds with a very small vent, my Real aids will be a different matter for the ear molds, Oto therm, they are hard at room temperature but soften up in the ear canal to form fit to give a better fit and should help with sound quality.
I used the iPhone for years but in June of this year I gave up and switched to the Samsung Galaxy S23 and have had excellent results with connectivity. I did give up hands free calls, never used it anyway. I also lost the Oticon app capability on the smart watch. But I gains flawless streaming of phone calls and streaming of the audiobook I listen to.


Thanks cvkemp. I’m using Oticon miniFit Bass 8mm Double-Vent domes, which I also used with my OPNs. I used molds for about 20 years, but switched to domes when the RITE technology came out. I prefer domes for many reasons, and I don’t get any bothersome feedback even with my loss. But, perhaps I should again ask my audi if molds (perhaps the Oto therm type) would be better for me than domes.

I brought up the disconnect issue mainly because it is a mystery why the Reals disconnect but my OPNs do not.

Are the Real aids fully updated to the latest firmware?
The latest firmware update should have fixed connectivity


The latest Real firmware fix has connectivity improvement that is generally though to address the issue with the ConnectClip. But who knows, it may help with iPhone connectivity issues as well. At least it should be updated it anyway regardless.

The OPNs never have the same connectivity with the ConnectClip (nor the iPhone) like the More does and like the Real did. They still haven’t been able to fix the ConnectClip connectivity issue for the More yet, although they fixed out the fix for the Real.


I think it would be worthwhile to try molds with the Real again simply to get better amplification with the lows on the Real to help with overall sounds, and maybe it’ll also help with the reverb-like issue you have with your own voice and loud environmental sounds. I wonder if that reverb-like effect on louder sounds you hear is maybe the new Sudden Sound Stabilizer at work. You can also try to adjust it up or down to see if it helps make things better or not.

If money is an issue and you feel that the Real at its high cost is not worthwhile an upgrade to the Oticon for the price, you can try the Costco Philips HearLink 9040 which is only $1500, so at least you’re getting a new pair of aids to replace your aging OPN at a more affordable price, yet it still has a lot of the same peripheral features as the Oticon aids. Its core technology is not the same as the Real, nevertheless, it’s still AI based and is more specific to reduce speech in noise, so you may like it better than the Real or OPN performance in that department. You also get the same 2 new features introduced in the Real, which are the Sudden Sound Stabilizer and the Wind & Handling Stabilizer.

I have had the Oticon Real 1’s for around 2 months and they disconnect from the IOS app all the time (usually one ear). I have the latest firmware (1.1.0) and the latest version of the app. It is annoying as I have to restart the app 10-15 times per day. The latest firmware update was critical as all the peripherals (the TV streamer 3.0) had stopped working necessitating a visit to my audiologist as Oticon do not update firmware over-the-air yet, which is annoying.

Regarding speech in loud environments. I do not see any improvement from my experience with the Oticon More 1’s. The speech in noise program is of little use but you may want to try the “Lecture” program which I find more effective. The latest firmware upgrade also unlocks a feature in the Oticon Companion app to give you a three band graphic equaliser for real world sounds as well as the older feature for adjusting streaming EQ. Nonetheless, while I like the real 1’s they disconnect all the time and I have a feeling other aids may be better for speech in noise. I may try


I have the More1 aids with the latest version of the companion app on my Samsung Galaxy S23, and I have very few disconnects from the app or the phone. But the earlier version of the app on the iPhone I had was always disconnected but the aids were still connected to the phone itself most of the time.
I will be receiving my Real1 aids mid October.

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Thanks Volusiano & cvkemp re latest firmware suggestion. I assume I have latest because Oticon rep was on the phone with my audi trying to diagnose disconnect problem. But I’ll confirm with audi next visit.
Also thanks for recommendations re ear molds. What material do you recommend? Decades ago I couldn’t stand completely closed molds. Should I reconsider this option (I have no feedback problems but is it possible that I’m “overworking” the anti-feedback software and compromising clarity?).
And thanksLezibat for your Real 1 experience and suggestions.

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Pls see reply above.

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Pls see reply above.

Please see reply above. Still learning message board system.

The ear mold material depends on your audiologist, and you and your hearing loss. I have always either had Custom in the ear aids, or lately acrylic ear molds, but when I get my Real1 aids they should have a new material that I haven’t used before, Oto therm, my understanding is that the ear mold material is hard at room temperature but softens up at body temperature. This is to ensure a better fit within the ear canal.

You don’t have to ask your audi which firmware version you have. It’s right there in the Oticon Companion app.

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Yes indeed. Firmware 1.0.1. Thanks again.

1.1.0 is the latest version and might help with the connectivity issue

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