The Ten Commandments (For Hearing Impaired)

I completely agree, and I am very aware as to how fortunate I am.

I stand by my point for exactly the reasons you mention - we are all different - and each of us need some, many, or no accommodations at all. Hearing loss is such a unique disability for all of us.

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Iā€™m very grateful to see The Ten Commandments. I learned from the post.

Iā€™ve worn hearing aids for over 20 years, 3 sets of Phonaks.

Please post more like this


Iā€™m glad to read what user184 said. That perspective had not occurred to me. I have the opposite problem, and wasnā€™t thinking broadly enough. Iā€™m used to people assuming that, because I wear hearing aids, I can hear normally. It doesnā€™t work that way for me. But what I just learned in this post will enable me to be more aware of the range of hearing abilities in people who wear aids, and how to respect the broad range of differences. Thank you for sharing what you wrote.


When I first was approved for hearing aids to compensate for exposure to noise at work, when I visted the audiologist for setting changes my hearing always improved. It was magic.

That was 20 years ago.

Now my hearing is worse. Iā€™m on my 3rd set of hearing aids. Itā€™s obvious to me now that hearing aids donā€™t fix my hearing. Itā€™s not obvious to my wife and other people that I know. The comment is, ā€œyour hearing aids donā€™t work.ā€

My best knowledge came from a book recommended here. Itā€™s:
ā€™ HEAR & BEYOND, Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss, by SHARI EBERTS and GAEL HANNANā€™

I recommend it too. However, people I referred to with normal hearing arenā€™t interested in reading it. Hearing loss is my problem.

ā€œTen Commandmentsā€ is so simple. However, Iā€™m about done with trying to educate the people around me. Work is the worst environment for harassments as a person who is hard of hearing.


This is amazing! Thanks Kev

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Excellent rules. :+1:

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