The Google Pixel & Pixel 2 will support Bluetooth Hearing Aids on Android P

Well, there was no mention of it at all in the accessibility session at Google I/O. It may not make it into Google P at all.

One can look at these comments in a different way. If and when the technology becomes available one might keep their old phone and buy an accessory device (streamer) or just upgrade their phone.Depending on where I was in my phone contract cycle I would consider the latter. A newer high end phone which requires less devices would be worth considering.

New phones with Bluetooth 5 unlocked without contract in Australia are roughly $AU900 - $1500. Most retired Australians would find that too expensive. It will just take some time before the new high end features filter down to the majority of phones. Each new type of phone supporting it helps.

It is definitely disappointing that no further news has come out yet. Google IO is not over yet, so hopefully somebody will mention it.

Can someone please clarify this whole hearing aid-bluetooth compatibility thing for me?

Would any hearing aids currently available be able to support this potentially future Android connectivity? I know it’s difficult to speculate on an unreleased feature, but I’m thinking theoretically.

If I bought a Pixel 2 (or equivalent Android phone) with BT 5.0 LE, will my bluetooth HA just work? I’m currently trialling a pair of Signia Insio 7px (CIC) that has bluetooth connectivity.

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We tried in a recent, rather long thread.

MFi aids have the potential using a firmware update. That happening is up in the air.

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Here’s a thread I started on Smart Phone compatibility: Smart phone compatibility--reality vs what people want

In short, no one really knows the answer to your question. If you want a sure thing, either go with an iPhone and/or with a streaming device. “Sure thing” is relative as this technology is not rock solid.

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Thanks, I’ll review that thread. My apologies, I really should’ve searched more thoroughly.

I’m just beyond frustrated at the state of HAs, and this recent Android P news got me excited.

It’s 2018 and nobody’s solved this problem satisfactorily (IMO). My Signias has a telecoil accessory (easyTek) that hangs around your neck. I will not wear it. I hate things around my neck, and it looks silly. I know it sounds vain, but I can’t do it.


phonak and other companies acknowledging work for bluetooth 4.2 or below hence 5.0 tecnically not compatible.

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The latest Signia use a Bluetooth device called the Streamline Mic. I have the Rexton/Costco version and it, like the Resound Phone Clip+ of my former hearing aids, solves my connectivity problems. I wear it on a lanyard under my shirt, but you can clip it to a collar or shirt pocket. It appears to be smaller than the EasyTek.

It connects to my cell phone, office phone, laptops, tablets, and generic Bluetooth transmitters. I also have the TV transmitter that transmits directly to the hearing aids. I want everything possible going through the hearing aids. The hearing aids are set up for my hearing loss, so that’s how I want to get any and all sounds in.

My only complaint about the Rexton Smart Mic/ Signia Streamline Mic is that it will connect to only one phone at a time. The Resound Phone Clip+ will connect to two.

Actually, on a support call with my pro, the Rexton person said it would connect to two phones, but I have not found that to be true. If there is something we have to enable for that, please let me know

Thanks, I’ll look into that. The product page seems to indicate it’s only for the NX line, but I’ll ask my audiologist anyway. (My model is Insio 7px).

Still not as convenient as direct streaming, but if it works, it might fit the bill until better solutions are introduced.

Yup. All of us non-Apple-totin’, not-interested-in-intermediate-devices folks are frustrated and still waiting.
Remember…this is a two-sided coin. The sending device (the smart phone) and the receiving device (the HA). Both have to have the working tech. Just because one of them has the ability does not mean the other will play along.
The problem up to now has been battery consumption of the bluetooth standards. That and not being able to connect to both HA’s in actual stereo. But for now, using available standards, the Phonak Direct is it. (except a few OTC/PSAP) But even that can only receive from their intermediate device for stereo.

Bluetooth 5 is supposed to be backwards compatible so it should still work with older versions. It just won’t have Bluetooth 5 features when working with those older versions.

Just about positive that the Signia Streamline Mic is only for nx and will not work with px.

I think that is right. On the Signia website, under Hearing Aids, New Products, it shows all Nx models.

If you have a Pixel 2 or a Nexus 6 you can have the latest version of Android P right now. It is not being “pushed” to phones but can be manually installed by going to settings>software update and you will be offered the update. I have had it for 3 days now . This is the follow up to the previous version that was a developer preview which I found pretty stable. This version has been 100% for the past 3 days anyway. I do not see any new options in settings regarding hear aids. This is not the final consumer version and will have updates added, supposedly, weekly if not more often. Some of the other new options are present but not activated or must be manually turned on. Not suggested that you install the update if you want a fully polished, totally stable OS, although I have not had a single glitch.

If you are considering buying a new phone to use any of the new features in Android 9 §. I would suggest you strongly consider a Pixel 2 from Google. Any other brand of phone will be dependent on your carrier updating it to Android 9. Some carriers take over a year to do so, if at all. Pixel updates come directly from Google(th maker of Android), not from carriers, and generally get updated the day they are available. Up dates are also guaranteed for 3 years on Pixel 2’s. I have no connection to Google or Pixel, although it may sound like it!

I’m starting to believe that what we’re seeing here is development of Android support for the Bluetooth Hearing Aid Profile that we’ve all associated with Bluetooth 5. That standard hasn’t been released and may not be for a long time, but Google would be tracking its development and laying the groundwork. It’s not like the standard is released one day and Google assembles a team the next day to start working on it.

The Android P release was an informed guess on someone’s part. I think they guessed wrongly. Having said that, the usual disclaimer applies. I know nothing.


I’m a little frustrated but not greatly so. I realized that the phone/HA Bluetooth connectivity (other than the Apple thing) was not just around the corner. I put my AudD on hold for the $$ set, went to Costco for something less costly with the streamer and would wait for the technology to emerge.

My landline and cell calls connected via Bluetooth have never been better. Just wish I had a greater range for the landline. I’m lucky if I get 15-20 feet.

In the meantime, I will follow the forum and wait for the developments and any issues to work themselves out. Mentally I said 3 years - if it takes 4, so be it. My guess is that by 2021 or so we should have a workable solution. Keep in mind that most HA’s appear to be on an 18 month product cycle.

I think 3-4 years should cover it. However, I still doubt if it will be “rock solid.” Meaning I think spontaneous disconnects will still be a thing.

There may be a difference in the bluetooth range of different land line phones. I have a much greater range than 15~20 feet. VTech LS6245. I get whole house coverage and probably 40~50’ outside the house. Phone base located on 2nd floor. This is a several year old model but readily on eBay - kind of a cult favorite phone because of style. YMMV

It might be my Compilot(s), I don’t get much more than 15-20’ with either the II or Air II using the TVlink. Granted the TV connection is better than the phone. Maybe a new phone is worth trying.