Glad you can program yourself. I recently got the Unitron Moxi 12 for each ear and my audiologist included an iCube and TrueFit software so I can program myself, too. One small problem I was having before was that I was sometimes getting distortion around 3k in the left ear with loud speech, which is where the most loss is (and also where the tinnitus is). I used to think this was my ear causing the distortion. I backed off the gains around 3k and it helped. When I got the Moxis, I also got uDirect2 and uTV so I could stream music and TV. I have turned off the mics for streaming. When I stream, I don’t get most of the distortion (I almost feel my earing is normal, which is awesome!). After reading that book, I now realize that the distortion is probably due to clipping caused by too much gain where I had the most loss. Knowing that, I will tweak some more as needed.