The best battery-powered hearing aid?

Good morning:) I am looking to choose a hearing aid for me. I tested three hearing aids: Starkey AI Genesis 312, Phonak Audeo Lumity L70 and Oticon Real 2. Starkey was terrible in a several-day test. I was left with Phonak and Oticon. Phonak has a lot of functions in the phone application, the downside is that it does not save it permanently in the camera. Oticon real has poor applications and indicates the battery level, but the advantage is that it saves the setting in the camera permanently.
You will need to fine-tune the speech settings from a distance of 5-10 meters with your prosthetist. And which one will run on batteries and which one responds better to high frequencies?

It is so sad that people judge aids by a stupid app. I have been wearing aids for 20 years. I started out with aids that had nothing but the general program and not even volume controls. I prefer it that away. Sure connectivity is nice but not the top of my list. I want to understand conversations. That is what aids are for not to be earbuds.

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Whatever you are trying in the app that you wish was permanent, talk to your HCP to program that in. You can save a few programs yourself, but only a few.


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It was my understanding from watching the.Review here on hearing tracker that on the new auditos do not offer non rechargeable battery versions for the Real’s.
Something about the AI needing more power than a normal replaceable battery can provide.

I’m not sure what you saw or when it was written. Both Phonak lumity Audeo and Oticon Reals are available in disposable. They were introduced rechargeable only, but disposable models were released later.


My mistake. I watched a vid from hearingtracker on YouTube that mentioned something like i commented on but it was the Intents. But once i looked, it appears the Intent is offer in both rechargeable and replacement battery.
Actually i dont even know how my comment was posted because i went to try to rind the video and didnt think i clicked REPLY. My apologies

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It only comes as rechargeable now. It’s said to have a size 13 battery, but that’s a size 13 lithium ion, not zinc air.

In this Reddit thread

someone quotes an Oticon email as saying

“Currently, only the rechargeable Intent model is available. We do not have a specific ETA (time frame) of when the non-rechargeable Intent model will be released.”

I read this as saying that a replaceable battery Intent is a question of when, not if. But I don’t know if corporate responses can be read so closely these days.

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Hearing aids model 2024 are battery-only :roll_eyes: I only have these battery-powered brands to choose from:

  • Phonak Audéo Lumity L70 312
  • Oticon Real 2 miniRITE T 312
    What I mean is which one has the best sound quality in terms of high frequencies, battery life and reliability?
    Should I post my audiogram here??