The 10 most dangerous places for a hearing aid

I’ve come across this on the net

Fun read! Thanks for sharing.

I can admit to more than couple brief almost full showerings, including trials sets :shushing_face:

A simple ziploc snack bag in my swim bag is a quick and easy solution, and reminder, for the pool and ocean. One benefit of rechargeable models, is the placing the charging station is in a smart place does take care of pets, earthquakes, wet/spills, etc. and you can find them in the dark by their charging light.

I’d be interested on others’ tips and tricks for taking care of these costly miniature marvels.

OR your horror stories, share your lessons learned!

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Once I was in a barber saloon. I placed my hearing aid somewhere but the barber used an hair spray and it splashed on the hearing aid causing a temporary break down

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I’m a new HA user, but I’ve thought about this because sometimes I expect to find myself in situations where I will not want them in use or on, like at a loud rock music concert. When I can plan what to do, I’ll bring my carrying case and put it in my pants pocket. When I’m surprised, as I was recently when movie theater music came on extremely loud, I plan to shut the HAs off and quickly put them in my shirt pocket. For those with much more experience, are my plans wise?

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Leaving them in your ears will protect you better than removing them. Turn down the volume, or mute them, or power them off.

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For SUPER loud events I’d also turn the aids off - and put some good, noise blocking earplugs IN. I’d be in favor of using one of those small neck pouches to store the aids. No way that’s gonna end up in the laundry like something in your pants pocket.

Main thing is, you’ll kill your ears if you leave them exposed to that noise!


Yep. Pencil me in for “DOG ATE 'EM!” Happened at my in-laws, where I woke up to see a trail of small plastic shards and wires leading out the door and down the hall. I guess they didn’t TASTE so good for the doggie to swallow 'em down?

#5 on the list: In the Ocean. Not gonna happen even with so-called “waterproof” Phonak Lumity Life aids for me - no sirree! Even taking them out and leaving them exposed to salty sea air would likely diminish their performance.

I would also add: In the Glovebox. Inside a car, it’s got to be 120F on summer days. That was a problem for me in Hawai’i, where I dared NOT leave them in a backpack on the sand while in the water. So I packed a small cooler, wrapped my aids up real good so they wouldn’t get moist, and kept them at a cooler temp INSIDE the locked car when snorkeling.


Yes, one of the least mentioned advantages of rechargeables is that i must put them in the charger before bed. With battery aids i would to often take them off wherever, flip the doors open, set them down, and forget where i set them by the next morning


Thank you. If I plan to go to a super noisy event, I would take my hard plastic shell carrying case, turn them off and put them in the case, and then put that case in my pocket. I have hearing plugs designed for concerts that I would then use. The beach presents a special problem so, if possible and I remember what I should do, I would leave them where I’m staying and not wear them to the beach. Luckily, my haring is ok for that.

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YES!! You are SO SO lucky to get by without any aids. I simply can not. Not when I travel alone. Not in a crowd. Not out shopping. I’d get run over minute I step outside not being able to hear anything.

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I left them in my jeans pocket and my hearing aids went through a full cycle in the washing machine. They survived undamaged.


I never had that prob cuz with my older Phonak Marvel aids, they came out of my ears, battery doors opened, and dropped into a Widex UV Sanitizer.

With my Lumity Life rechargeable aids, you can’t sanitize them in the charging base. DOH! So I just don’t do that anymore. I have itchy ears, but how can I sanitize them for 4 hours when I need them in my ears?

That, to me, is a downside of rechargeables over battery-operated.


WHOA NELLY!!! Tell us the make & model! Did you toss those jeans in the dryer, too? Maybe that’s what saved them.


Phonak Audeo Paradise, they’ve been great! I didn’t realize what happened until they were halfway through the dryer, so that may have helped.


Wow! Impressive!! I wouldn’t want to put it to the test … but glad your aids passed with flying colors!

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I’ve worn glasses since childhood and learned early to put my specs in one spot where I could find them again in the morning or after a shower, etc. So I’m pretty obsessive about my pricey HA’s. Once out of my ears they’re in the recharger on my nightstand; once fully charged (or even if they’re not) they go into the small size Hal-Hen dri-aid for drying overnight.
I DO live in earthquake country, but for the few hours that my aids are charging on my night stand (which is the top of a full fledged chest of drawers) , I’m not worried about that–despite what the article says. It would take a real whopper of an earthquake to shake the charger and aids off my low chest of drawers. My cpap machine rests on this too.

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