Technical fitting question

This is the result of REM fitting by my audi. For the left ear should the blue curves more nearly match the target?

@Neville or @Um_bongo might know.

They are experts.


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First, that’s not a REM target, it’s just the Unitron software.

Second: (unless you have imported a REM target from somewhere) the green lines are based on your audiogram - via DSL/UNIFIT or whatever they are fitting to.

Third, if that’s the response that you were left with once the REM was completed on different software: it’s technically ‘more’ correct for you than the estimated gain illustrated by the green lines.

Fourth: If you were left under the illusion that this screen was used to achieve a REM result, then you’ve possibly been duped.

Fifth: A REM output screen is usually more ‘messy’ than this (far more measured peaks) and you’ll have either been played a series of gibberish speak or told to listen without saying anything while the Audiologist repeated a few sentences. If you didn’t get the gibberish or the funny sentences and see the bouncy lines on the screen, then it’s possible you didn’t get REM verification.

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As you can gather I am new to HAs and am wanting to get the optimum performance from them. I have the same Unitron fitting software as my audi and I definitely got the REM carried out.

So the green lines which are calculated target gain would seem to be irrelevant having done REM?

I am just surprised that REM produced gain response close to the calculated target gain for R but quite different for L which is why I asked the original question.

Thanks for your response and are you aware of any objective system or method to compare and measure HA performance?

The difference between R and L is because the canal on the LHS is larger and possibly vents more, which means that more gain needs to be applied to meet your test result.

The Unitron software has produced its ‘best guess’ , your Objective Result is the REM led amendment to the fitting. If you perceive that’s out of balance, then subjectively you can ask the Audiologist to tweak the level, but don’t do that on the basis of the fitting guide as it’s (the target) objectively redundant in your case.

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