Target's Audiogram Direct

How accurate is Target’s Audiogram Direct? I ask because the results are very similar to an audiogram conducted by an audiologist I had in 2020. However a more recent audiogram by an audiologist is far worse. The recent audiogram was conducted in a quiet room, not a sound booth as previous.

Mine is similar as well. No significant difference exists between a surgeon’s office and my homemade Target direct audiogram. The curious portion is that after my homemade programming, I ended up satisfied. I am paying close attention to my responses and people’s perceptions when interacting with me. Of course, there must be some behind-the-scenes I am letting out for my unschooled experience. However, the fact that interactions day by day are getting slightly improved in my social and job circle makes me full of confidence in Target.

I am still open to considering professional opinions about why it is better to get professional metrics

Thanks Adrian for sharing your experience. Anyone else tried Audiogram Direct?

It’s pretty good by any means, as you can contest to, but only as good as your hearing on the day, I’ve had very good results with all the manufacturers in-situ fittings, some were very close to my audiogram others not so much, los of variables but the main one is the clinic will tell you it’s the REM that makes the only real difference, but we know this isn’t true for all of us.
Using in-situ is common for DIY projects.

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My in situ is almost always 5 to 10db better than, and pretty parallel to the audiogram, and a hearing instrument specialist I work with (who fully supports my DIY endeavors) says this is common. If you have your hearing aids are programmed to your in-situ as opposed to your audiogram, it stands to reason that will affect the outcome of the programming and your experience wearing the hearing aids.

The difference between Audiogram Direct and an Audiologist’s test is that in the latter you are completely in the dark as to when a tone is played whereas doing it yourself you are half-expecting to hear a tone each time you hit the keyboard.