I’ve got Target 10 software (uninstalled), NoahLink just came in.
Seems 2 ways to install using Setup.exe /V"INSIDENOAHINSTALL=1" which is in the autrun.inf
or execute the MSI directly. So brought up cmd in admin, executed above and nothing happens at all.
No output, anything.
Ran the msi, it runs, but doesnt complete the install, still digging through the msi log
Property(C): LaunchConditionError_DotNet = Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 needs to be installed for this installation to continue. Please make sure you launch ‘setup.exe’. For more information contact your local distributor. Property(C): LaunchConditionError_OS = Unfortunately, the detected operating system is not supported. The fitting application cannot be installed. We recommend to update to the latest Windows version.
Property(C): LaunchConditionError_VC2017 = Microsoft VC++ Redistributable Package 2017 needs to be installed for this installation to continue. Please make sure you launch ‘setup.exe’. For more information please contact your local distributor.
Property(C): LaunchConditionError_WinInstaller = Windows Installer needs to be updated for this installation to continue. Please make sure you launch ‘setup.exe’. For more information please contact your local distributor.
Sigh, Guess I need to upgrade to windows 12 I’m going to try a Virtual Machine with Windows to, see how that works
Well some kind of weird issue with your laptop, this is seriously a very easy install, you just click on the .exe and it installs?
autrun.inf,MSI directly,cmd in admin
What’s all this? What are you doing, rewriting the software or something!
But anyways how about you install version 9 to see if you can get this working and then you can update to 10 later.
I’m going to try in a windows 10 virtual machine,. The installer was poorly written and is looking specifically for 4.8 .Net Framework, which is not on WIndows 11. Its on windows 10
autorun.inf is a vestige of CD installs which is run when a CD is loaded
msi is the packaged installer
Well I’m sure you’ll be able to find a work around, not many people having an install issue with win11, most people having an issue is with the Noahlink wireless driver needing to be reinstalled.
got it installed, had to make a VM with a windows 10 Dot Net Framework 4,8 install, and then install VC++ 2017 I think it was.
Now to get my VM to recognize the NoahLink USB connection.
McAfee screwed me over, my win 10 and win 11 existing VMs were having issues reaching some sites, and not others. Making new VM’s same problems. McAfee decided to turn on its VPN, even though I’d shut it off. grrr. 15s fix for a few hours of trying to figure it out
No joy, the VM shows noahlink wireless 2 as an available device, upgraded firmware for it on my desktop, so desktop/Noah is fine, and then connected the 2 together via flexihub, but Target wont recognize the device in the VM. Hmmm
Recognized both HA’s and connected, had to speed up my VM
Made Client Jeff-Backup, downloaded from HA’s, so @tenkan I think thats what you
told me to do, then create another client, download again from HA’s, and then start playing with that one, yes?
Yes that’s it, yeah now the fun begins as you say, give the other formulas a go as well, you may be surprised how different without any other adjustments.
I hate having to pay 35$ a month for flexihub, but donglify doesnt work for the NoahLink, but 159$ a year if I do a year. I’ll probably be tired of changing them by then