Suggestions for my audiogram

i insert values db.

The Matthew Allsop by HearingTracker recommended me the oticon real 1 with custom receivers.
i have at mommet resound one, and i need more clarity sound. buy maybe oticon intent 105. i dont no.

suggestions please.

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Looks like you need ultra power HA’s for your profound hearing loss.Oticon Xceed or Phonak Naida Lumity.


You use Phonak? Or oticon?

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I am using Oticon Xceed UP 1 with 675 battery.

I also have an Oticon More 1 with 100dB receivers. I feel the Xceed is more suitable and hear better in noise. Would love to have 105dB receiver with special molds in the future. Maybe need fine tuning later.

Have you had hearing loss for many years without hearing aids? If yes, it may take some time for your ears and brain to adjust to the new sounds. It is not like eyeglasses where you put them on and see perfectly.

Your audiogram is just a little better than mine. I’m wearing Phonak Naida L90-UPs. I had older Oticons for my last HAs and liked them but they were nothing groundbreaking. I have not tried the Xceeds but now I’m waiting to see what comes out of the latest tech update they announced. I do like my Phonaks a lot and I feel I am getting better speech recognition than I have in at least 25 years or so - I’m 44 and have been wearing HAs since I was 3. This is obviously somewhat subjective but my husband has noticed it too as have my parents during a recent visit.

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think i buy the oticon intent 105dB. maybe works for me. i go try testing.