Stethoscopes and hearing aids

Am investigating/researching for stethoscopes that are bluetooth compatible with hearing aids, or that use an ear muff design that do not require removal of the hearing aids. Anyone have real world experience with stethoscopes and hearing aids?

It seems like this should be a possibility now, as I do see a Phonak article suggesting this works, but they also include a disclaimer that Phonak doesn’t warrant, endorse, or guarantee this article for accuracy, even though it is on a Phonak product support site Phonak Support Community

Have seen an “amplified stethoscope” that seem to work with headphones. Unfortunately, I will be unable to wear headphones when needing to use the stethoscope. Unclear to me if they would bluetooth directly to hearing aids, and if my hearing aids would connect to 2 devices at once (phone and stethoscope).

I am currently using my 5 year old Resounds, but expect to update to a newer hearing aid within the year. I don’t know if these HAs will connect to 2 devices at the same time (like a phone and a stethoscope). Maybe there are no such HAs out there.

All stethoscope threads on this board are several years old, and the tech landscape has changed quite a bit since then, hence the new topic.


Phonak Lumity will connect to two standard bluetooth devices at the same time. I like mine. Best connections of any hearing aid.

(post deleted by author)

Maybe I need glasses as well! Didn’t see that one! Thx!!

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Baltazard, this is exactly what I wanted to see, particularly the comparison table on AMPHL. Good intel.
Thx again.

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Littman used to make an excellent amplified stethoscope. I had several friends who used it and let me try it. I don’t know if it’s still available but it’s an alternative if you can’t find what you’re looking for.

Thank you. Realistically, this may be the ultimate direction I go. As my hearing loss is more on the high frequency end, an amplied scope of some sort is not a bad solution, but would prefer not to remove my HAs when using the scope. For clairity, would be using this on some emergency calls, not in a hospital setting. Realistically, this only happens infrequently, but still a pain.

I just went through an ordeal regarding a new HA, and am back using my old Resounds (different thread). Honestly wasn’t even thinking about this when trying out new HAs, so this is a new desired feature. When I am able to look again at new HAs, ideally I would like to get one that can connect to my phone and a scope at the same time w/o fiddling around.

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They used to make the 3100 and 3200 both which are excellant but is now replaced by CORE. I still use my 3100 and also have a CORE.

I believe there is a website, that groups MD with hearing losses and have comprehensive info
on Stetoscopes + hearing aids.

It even has reviews.