Steps necessary to pair Roger Select to Lumity 90 hearing aids

HEH! HEH! HEH! HEH! Hardly likely that it’ll be any “head of monolith Phonak” is my guess. More likely a lowly, hard-working Phonak rep.

But I’m totally intrigued! What could they have in mind? I have told every audi I’ve ever gone to that Phonak needs an articulate, honest, avid USER like me to be on a user board so that I can steer product development in the direction it needs to go.

Come to think of it, that may be precisely why no hearing aid maker would ever want me on ANY board articulating our needs! :wink:


Sort of but not quite like Groucho Marx that he “wouldn’t want to belong to any club that would have me as a member”. :yum:

You’re intrigued, I’m intrigued and probably a whole lot more in the audience so I trust you will give a FULL REPORT to the peanut gallery?

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ABSOLUTELY! I was hoping to be done with this Roger conundrum Friday, but if I have to wait two more weeks to get the answers, so be it!

As Otis B Driftwood says in “A Night at the Opera”:
Fiorello: I haven’t heard anything yet. Did you say anything?
Otis B. Driftwood: Well, I haven’t said anything worth hearing.


Stay tuned!

I thought that could be the case. But no, you don’t have to hold down the button in the pin hole at the same time as something else. You can push it down and count two mississippis and let go and then pull the hearing aid out of the charger and put it next to/against the Roger Select. It doesn’t have to be on top necessarily, just very close–touching.

This is correct information, but you have already bought them. They are currently little ghosts living inside the Roger Select, indicated by those two short green lights that flash when you do a quick press in the pin hole. That’s what we are trying to transfer to the Lumities with the long, 2 second press.

I’ve only read the book, but I can picture it. :slight_smile:

ACK!!! I tried to “game” the system … and FAILED.

I was reading the Roger ON V2 User Manual, and it looked like a simple matter to pair + connect my duplicate pair of Lumity Life aids to the stick. NOWHERE in this manual does it say: “STEP ONE - First, have your audiologist transfer the legitimate software license to the aid by using a secret little PIN device that’s pushed into the stick while holding the aids on top of the stick.”

Instead, the manual had FOUR steps for how to pair + connect aids to the Roger ON V2 stick:

I just did these 4 steps in the order shown for my duplicate pair of Lumity Life aids. I got the GONG! symbol (icon depicting the connect button with a line drawn through it).

Interestingly, I got ALL 3 displays on the Roger stick: first came the question mark, then the check mark!, finally the GONG - no connection.

I made sure the pair of aids which has the legitimate license on them was turned OFF, so there’d be no confusion as to which pair of aids I’m trying to pair + connect with the Roger stick. I was trying to pair + connect my duplicate pair - the pair that has NO legitimate license transferred to it yet.

I’ve seen similar pins used to access cell phones, and even wonder if a paper clip may do the trick? I mean, this is ridiculous! I don’t have to jump through hoops to get my old Phonak TV Connector paired + connected to umpteen pairs of Phonak aids.

Why all the folderol with these Roger devices? Is it all about the MONEY? So Phonak realizes they were giving away the store with the old TV Connector, and now they want to charge PER PAIR of aids for the Roger streamer?

Pretty soon they’ll be be charging PER USE. Like a buck per hour of streaming. That is yet one more reason why I don’t like phone apps that control simple devices. They’re the gateway to controlling that device as well as gathering data on what we’re watching and where we’re located.

Luckily, I was able to stream as usual with the pair of aids that DO have the legitimate license on them. Whew. I didn’t want to mess that up.


info here on the difference between the IN and regular version of the select. You have the IN version, you already bought the licenses.

as my wife said to me, as she was 30 feet away walking fast with her back to me…

'You should have known that I was talking to you, so you could say, “What ?”


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SOUNDS LIKE you are doing really fine with the improved settings on the aids! :smile:

YES that’s my conclusion after all the hoop and loop jumping. Even within Phonak they don’t seem to have a definitive answer to anything. Beginning to feel its like a game of keep away, a game I didnt even like as a kid.

My opinion for what its worth Phonak’s evasiveness detracts from their credibility and amount of trust I can justify giving them. Makes them look like users and money grubber.

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Thank you Neville for your advice and guidance. Maybe you sprinkled me with pixie dust with our previous conversation because I have somewhat good news, a breakthrough of sorts. Even though your instructions you stated they wouldnt be connected yet afterward and i was to come back for your PART 2 Instructions, ONE HEARING AID must now have connected because its like before with old H.A.s - i can set the Roger Device under the TV and leave the room and still hear the TV word for word.

I had managed to find an accomplice at the library and she held the pin in the Roger device and got two blinking green lights so i turned on right H.A. and placed it on or near the R.D. with 2 green lights and the pin still inserted and HOORAY I got solid green light. A minute or so later i tried the other H.A. and ended up with red light and a test verifies theres no connection to 2nd H.A. but when i turned on Roger Direct I was able to clearly hear at great distance.

It would be great if BOTH H.A. were connected but this is best progress thus far. and improves what i am able to hear. That was 2 days ago and i couldn’t get the other H.A. to connect. But i only just got a break and thus the time to post this and so i dont remember the steps taken to get this connection far and i will continue trying to get Left H.A. connected too.
Does this make sense? I am sleep deprived and need to recharge Roger device and me… Back later.


A new version of the Touchscreen has been ‘on it’s way’ for the past year

That’s a very long time since Touchscreen came out in 2017.

I was told by my friend who works at Phonak UK Headquarters that they first stated working on the new one over 18 months ago.

It’s a very long time to be working on it when there are other Mics coming out more regularly.


Great progress! And if it connects automatically, also great. I’ve never use a Roger iN device, I’m more familiar with the Roger Xs and the installer.

I gather that now a quick press in the pin hole will give you red and green lights, indicating that now there is only one receiver/license in there (because the other one is in your right hearing aid). Perhaps your library accomplice can help you repeat the whole process again with the left hearing aid. Make sure that the right hearing aid stays plugged into the charger (e.g. turned off) while you do so.


I do have the Roger Direct IN so I shouldn’t need to buy one but Phonak Customer Support says I do.

I don’t have any faith in Phonak Services. They have never come thru for me with anything helpful ; instead what i get is confusion, false information and frustration

Thanks Neville for continuing with this thread. UNFORTUNATELY my library accomplice is scheduled for surgery on Monday and won’t return for weeks.

I’m going to look into the connecting/license issue in a few. Consulting Phonak makes me remember the Abbott and Costello thing WHO’S ON SECOND. Chaos and confusion with tens of different directions that all turn into a jumble. But I will try to reconstruct the steps taken at library to try again with left HA.

So when I saw the most recent contributions from you and Bluebird I gave it a whirl and hit the jackpot. So thank you very much. Will I cross the finish line? Time will tell I guess.

Maybe my mind is on furlough but I think a lot of the problem is with Phonak multiple choice directions.

And living here is a challenge reminiscent of the old sitcom GREEN ACRES. I have so much extra to do and little if any help available so getting anything accomplished is at snails pace.


Honestly, don’t bother contacting Phonak, all they’re going to do is confuse you. I’d also say that many Audiologists will have very little experience with Roger products.

Stick with this forum, as many on here have learnt about Roger products, and their pitfalls, through bitter experience.

From what I’ve read, @Neville 's instructions seem entirely accurate, so you should have success with those.

Good luck.


THANKS, PETER - we are in agreement about every aspect you touched on. I HAVE LEARNED far more here on this forum than anywhere else. I supposed I had to give Phonak one last shot at turning over a new leaf and being helpful. Well they blew it. They are consistently no help whatsoever so this venue has my full thumbs up support


SO I am here to bite the bullet yet again and attempt to connect the previously unconnectable pair of Phonak Magical Mystical devices. One of two connections having been made even though I’m not sure how. Mine is not to question but to BRAVELY(?) TRY AGAIN with left hearing aid, I just need to read thruthe notation entries here for what looks reasonably reasonable and What Worked for Right Lumity 90 H.A.

Excuse while I thumb through and attempt to fathom WHAT COMES NEXT in this, my long-running endeavor.

Okay Neville has the most thumbs up so back to find his instructions I go.

Okay I did
the quick press and got two green blinking lights again which if I understand indicates TWO Receivers within which does not compute.

Never the less I will try to connect the left H. A.

Getting various random sounds/signals in left HA not sure why.

On quick press I got two blinking green lights.

Darn, on bring left HA near I got blinking and/or solid RED LIGHT
so it’s a no go on this round.

Some other step necessary?

I hope the right HA has not lost its connection.

Will be coming back to continue this long-running effort. Many have tried to help and each are appreciated, as always. Its unfortunate that the FIX is out there but confusing. Not always so difficult, some have had an easier time of it. In my case, not having a local audiologist is a big part of the problem. I suppose if I can’t fix it I can always pay to visit and audiologist. Medicare Advantage says it won’t pay anything toward appointments to fix technology not acquired through their list of preferred providers. So there must be profit motive involved, else wise why won’t they pay for the assistance of any qualified audiologist IF THEY REALLY CARED. But they won’t pay for the advanced level of technology I need for my profound hearing loss. Translated it means they WILL PAY to assist anyone with hearing loss EXCEPT THOSE WITH THE MOST PROFOUND LOSS - not one cent. Doesn’t sound fair to me.


What is significance/meaning of gong you referred to?

Did you ever see the “The Gong Show” here in the USA? I must be quacking in a vacuum AND pointing to my advanced age.

In short: I have failed! I’ve been GONGED - and in the show, the hosts would literally beat a GONG! to dismiss the unfortunate loser. :smirk: