Starkey S7 CIC, or Behind the Ear: which should I get?

I am getting hearing aids next month! My audiologist is recommending Starkey S7 CIC hearing aids.

The California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is paying for my hearing aids. My DOR case manager says I should consider Behind The Ear hearing aids. He says Behind The Ear hearing aids last longer than CICs, and provide better sound quality.

Would the Starkey S7 CICs be a good choice? Would the Behind the Ear hearing aids provide better sound quality? Which ones would last longer?

There must be a reason why your audi is recommending these aids. I think it depends more on your life style.

In my opinion

  • BTE is worse than CIC when speaking on the mobile phone.
  • BTE lasts longer
  • CIC may provide more natural sound in some sense because the microphone is placed in the ear canal

IMHO, If you need/want connectivity to devices such as:
Cell Phone
MP3 Players
TV Adapters

Look at a different company, Starkey makes a solid no frills aid, but lives in the dark ages when it comes to connectivity to external devices.

I should get my starkey CIC hearing aids next week, so I can’t judge before than. I can only say Starkey claim that you don’t need to worry about phone calls or getting accessories for that. They claim that you just pick up the phone and talk. That’s because their technology is far beyond the others, or that what they claim.

Will see.

With that shape loss, I’m struggling to see why you’d be considered for CIC at all: unless there’s a major cosmetic consideration.

IMHO you’d do better with a RIC product - even a Starkey one.

I agreee with Um Bongo. You should really try to stay with an open fit aid like a RIC, keeping your ear as open as possible or you will not be pleased with the sound quality.

Are cosmetics a big concern for you?

dr. amy

Let me say that I went from a ITE aids to Rite open fit and it is a world of difference.
The sounds are so natural now.

Cosmetics are not a big concern to me. The audiologist recommended Starkey CICs for me because:

  1. She says they have a large vent, and therefore do not obstruct natural sound.

  2. I wear reading glasses, regular eyeglasses and sunglasses, and switch back and forth between them dozens of times a day. I didn’t want to have my glasses knocking into my hearing aid and making a loud noise each time I switch glasses.

  3. I am outdoors a lot, and didn’t want to listen to amplified wind noise. I thought the CIC might be better shielded from wind.

My primary goal is to hear human speech better. I want to be able to hear my wife without asking her to repeat herself. I want to be able to hear people talking despite the background noise.

Should I ask my audiologist to cancel the order for the CICs, and try the RICs instead?

That was a concern for me too but I have not had any issues with wind noise nor with my glasses and I have taken them off and put them back on without distrubing my aids.

New technology makes wind noise not that big of an issue as in the past. And MANY of my patients take their glasses on and off it is not a big issue either.

All of those considerations can be valid reason to go with CICs IF you did not have such great low frequency hearing. Even though CICs can be ordered with sizeable venting, it has been my experience that even the most generous venting cannot compare to an open fit aid.

My suggestion would be to ask your audi if you can try the RIC (RITE) open fit bte, and if the glasses and wind become an issue, THEN order the CIC.

Just a suggestion :smiley:

dr. amy

Thanks, Dr. Amy!

I agree with you 100%. I’ve tried Agil BTE aids and found them a complete hassle with glasses, also my bike and horse helmets; plus, the wind noise amplification was ridiculous. I’ve worn Starkey CICs for 10 years (and many other BTEs for years and years before that); now need new aids and am going with CIC no matter what the features I will lose (like directional microphones) because I can’t tolerate the BTE hassles. Good luck.

Thats not what people are here for - stop self promoting

dr. amy


Please give him an infraction.

how do i do that? he/she is all over this site recently…


the message have a little notebook with an X on it.
Some people think this a place to promote their business.
We need to ban them

Translation - click on the red x next to the post number in the upper right corner of the post to report the post to a moderator.

thanks :slight_smile:

dr. amy

I’m a little late here, but my first pair of HAs were Sonic Innovations CICs, and I could not wear them outside in a noisy environment because there they only had 1 program. And yes, the wind was a problem with them. My second (current) pair are Stakey Zon’s BTEs, and I absolutely love them, and I’m glad that my audie talked me into getting them instead of another pair of CICs. I have four programs to choose from, and so I can wear them in even very noisy environments (program 3). I also change glasses often during the day without any problems (you might have to change the temple pieces on your glasses if the ends are very large). The BTEs are much more comfortable to wear because the domes are flexible (as opposed to the hard custom mold of the CICs), and I love the choice of programs. I’d talk to your audie about why he/she thinks the CICs are a better choice for you. For me, the BTEs were by far the better choice.