Starkey Mini Remote Microphone

I have had this mic for a while and find it a godsend for watching TV. I have never used it any other way.

So, as my wife and I were going to dine in a notoriously noisy restaurant last night, I thought it would be a good place to put it through it’s paces under these conditions.

I was very disappointed. I had my Evolv aids on the “Restaurant” setting and could not hear my wife’s voice throug the hearing aids. I have read reviews where people were disappointed because they could hear the rustling sound of other persons clothes touching the mic. At least they could hear…something. My wife had the mic attached to her blouse, and a few inches underneath her mouth.

I was thinking later…perhaps I should have used the app to turn up the streaming volume. I will certainly try this the next time, though I’d think that an increase in streaming volume combined with an already loud environment, won’t make for a pleasant experience.

Any thoughts/opinions.


Try to turn the hearing aids down, and the streaming volume up.

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Thank you both for your input.

@Louie : Great suggestion. Will try this next time. :pray: