Starkey Genesis Pairing and Connection to multiple devices

I have paired my Genesis to both an iPhone and an IPad. Multiple pairings seem to work, but not multiple connections. With an earbud (e.g. an AirPod), I can have multiple connections and easily stream from whichever device I like.

With the Starkey Genesis, it seems that I need to turn off bluetooth on the device I don’t want to use and then can use with the other device. Is that right, or am I missing something. I saw that other brands (e.g. Phonak) allow multiple connections with newer hearing aids.

This is a bit of a pain. If I am watching a video on the ipad and want to take a phone call, it can’t switch easily, right?

One nice thing is that the iPad or iPhone itself will confirm that the hearing aid is connected to a different device and allow some control to hop through that other device (but not streaming). And, the MyStarkey app doesn’t work when the Genesis is connected to the iPad.

I hope I have overlooked something, but this seems to be a limitation.

I noticed this Apple page claiming that MFi hearing aids (like the Starkey) should be able to automatically switch between device.

Use hearing devices with iPhone - Apple Support.

I haven’t seen this working for me. Does it work for others?

Believe that the IP’s talk to each other and do the bluetooth switching, somewhat like how they collaborate to permit you to start something on one and move working on it to the other somewhat seamlessly. The aids just keep up the connection while it is being switched.

It’s flakey. Might need to switch audio output on your device. You can swipe down and choose the audio output device.

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Some good hints here. What I now notice is that when I turn on the hearing aids it may connect to the wrong device (e.g. the iPad, when I usually want the iPhone to be connected since I carry it with me). Using the built in settings, I can still have basic control of the hearing aids, but the MyStarkey app doesn’t work through this “one hop” connection (I need to use the MyStarkey app on the iPad in that case).

As mentioned above, if I try to stream audio from the non-connected device (e.g. my iPhone), the hearing aids then connect to the proper device that I am using and then can use the MyStarkey app. Perhaps a Starkey engineer is reading this and might figure out how to make their app do this switch (perhaps by adding a streaming control option to the app)? Or just a button that says “switch hearing aids to this device”.

Anyway, the hack/workaround to initiate audio streaming is easier than finding the other device and turning off its Bluetooth.

So, related question. Every time I first turn on my hearing aids, it seems to connect to the wrong device (my iPad). I need to do the streaming work-around as mentioned above and then I am set. But that is a pain.

Is there a way to influence which device it prefers to connect to? For example. if I forget both devices, can I re-pair with each device in a proper order to influence preference? Like do the iPhone first (or second). Anyone happen to know the answer?