Starkey Evolv AI Wireless CIC antennas


I need to buy a new hearing aid in January and I’ve been thinking about the Starkey Evolv AI Wireless CIC but I read a few months back that the antennas stick out of your ears so much that it’s noticeable.

Is this still the case or have they made them shorter?


They’ve curled them. Every audiologist I know was heat-curling them against recommendations to get them to sit nicely in the ear, so I guess Starkey decided just go ahead and make them curly. So with a good fit, the antenna just curves into the bowl of the ear.


Yes, I have these. The antennas are not invisible, but they don’t stick straight out which would be weird. The curvature helps a lot. The pulls are a bit thicker due to the wire being inside them. These aids sound really good, but the bluetooth is spotty, at least on mine (which I have not done any firmware updates on for the last year or so).