Stapedectomy 6 weeks ago. What has gone wrong?

Hi. I had a stapedectomy 6 weeks ago and I am trying to understand what went wrong…
-Horrendous crazy tinnitus. Been given Diazepam to calm me down as seriously distressed.
-When I walk it feels like I am on springs, I can hear/feel every single step I take. Really weird
-When I tilt my head one side, I get a high pitch wire sound. When I bend forward I get another a l lower lower pitch, then on the left even lower. When I do no with my head I can feel a wire sound in my head
-There is a huge amount of vibration when driving.They sound very exaggerated and very loud.
-The wind makes my ear vibrates.
-My hearing test is worst than pre-op. Whatever little I can hear is distorted,
-Anything loud (motorbike, music speakers, sounds so loud as if coming out of a woofer system.

Any idea? Waiting for CT.