Speech in noise on TV

Speech in background noise on TV seems more difficult to conquer than speech in noise in real life. I presume that’s because on TV both the speech and the noise are originating from the same point. Does anybody have any thoughts about this, and how to solve the problem with hearing aid adjustments. I do have a preset for TV, but it doesn’t seem to do anything magical regarding speech enhancement. Thanks.

Yeah it’s quite annoying and noticeable difference, of course depending on the broadcast, obviously you can’t do much other then use a TV streamer, some TVs like LG have a “sport or speech” setting that’s supposed to help with this, i think it works but not in any meaningful way(for me anyway) it doesn’t work very well at all.

My TV sounds runs through a stereo. 5.1 I believe. 5 speakers + 1 subwoofer. Most of the speech is from the Center speaker which points right at me. The other speakers all point different directions. I think this helps. That and the captions of course.

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Can you get a TV streamer that you can return for a refund if you don’t like? Do you use closed caption?

For me, the streamer was the solution.

It’s not just that the sound comes from the same source. Rather, it’s that the damned producers/directors/sound editors inject noise so their product seems ‘more realistic’.

I’ve used closed caption on occasion, and it’s a good solution for me, but distracting for anybody who’s watching with me. Regarding a streamer, I’ve found that when I send the audio to an alternate output on my current Sony TV, that turns off the TV speaker so nobody else can hear it. I would have to add an external speaker or buy a different TV. No big deal, but just an unwanted complication. I’m waiting for the Rexton Reach to arrive at Costco, hoping that it’s Multi-Voice Focus technology may be able to recognize and amplify a voice without amplifying the background sounds that are coming from the same direction. It’s the sibling of the Signia IX.

Does your Sony TV have an optical output on the back? Those will not take out the sound from the main speaker outputs. The Rexton Smart Transmitter would then work for you and you can adjust sound independently from the main volume controls.

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It does have optical output, but the TV setup menu only gives me two options . . . TV Speakers or Audio System. When I put it on Audio System the speakers are silent. I could be wrong, but I’m presuming that the optical output is part of the Audio System. I can understand why one wouldn’t want the TV speakers operating while external speakers are operating.

I use the Optical output connected to my OTICON streamer, it has no effect on the speakers volume or even the mute setting of the speakers. I did not have to change anything on the TV settings.
I also use a second streamer for my computer connected to the computer’s line out put. .

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As RSW suggests, look for a port labeled OPTICAL OUTPUT (aka “toslink” cable that has the small tip with light on it). It should say exactly that on the back of the TV. Can you upload a PICTURE of the back of your TV? Maybe we can point you right to that port on the back of your TV.

I’ve been wearing aids for 27 years and crowd noise never bothered me. When I upgraded my Bernafons to KS10s the crowd noise was horrific. My fitter tried adjusting but it was little help. Then, after wearing for about four months, the crowd noise disappeared. No answers. It could have been software upgrades, although there were no fittings or visits. I’m suspecting the brain is filtering it out.

I use the Zevox soundbar that helps a lot with dialog. I did try the Zevox years ago but this new generation with HA type presets really helps me out, even when I’ve taken my HA out for the night.

I would love to find HA’s that can deal with TV sports noise.
Now I’m using the Center channel from an old 5.1 channel processor to feed both ears.
It helps a little with some events but not others.

try turning off your room fan and room air filter. and then see if that helps, the less noise the better you should hear.