Sound Issue with Oticon Real 1

I have had two issues. One being a flutter type, but this is improved and now have a tinkling / whistling issue especially with hearing music and sounds at that frequency.

I too have no serious feedback issues when cupping ears with my hands, which makes it even more odd. See below for my moulds. I have no vents. I did have the same as yours previously.

I feel I can hear more clearer and sharper now but probably a combo of REM and increasing the power to 105db as they were restricted to 85dB previously.

Just to compare, I put my OPN BTE PPs back on and didn’t have any issues listening to music etc and I got more feedback externally with them when cupping my ears etc.

Would you mind sharing what your settings are? For example, feedback analyser/ optimiser settings?

Hi…I would have to make an appointment and photograph the screens. As of now I have no reason to see the Audiogist and it would be awkward to just to take screen pictures. I will though when I go in. But I doubt that the feedback analyser/ optimiser settings have changed from the standard Genie protocol unless she manipulated settings from experience.

Usually the RealSound Optimizer default is Normal (vs Low or Off). The fluttering due to the Optimizer probably wouldn’t be heard by you @mstrmac anyway because your hearing loss in the low frequency range is already in the severe range to begin with. It’s not any external sound that goes through the amplifier to correct for the hearing loss. It’s just an internally produced staccato type sound introduced into the system designed to rapidly interrupt and break off any potential for energy build up from the incoming sounds that get amplified. Usually only folks with mild to moderate hearing loss in the low frequencies would be able to notice it, and only when it comes on if an energy build up that has a potential to start a feedback loop is detected.


@mstrmac an easy term to define flutter is TTTF.
This phenomena is Talking Through The Fan.
I bet you know what that sounds like, eh?
To those of us who have experienced it, it is very distracting, to say the least.
@Volusiano has described the cause, but there really is no cure.
I Never experienced it with the OPN 1s, but the Phonak Marvel, OPNS, and More have all caused it for me.
Just another hidden feature for us to enjoy:(
Sorry @ToriNi .BTW, are you using the MyMusic Program?
With Feedback Management turned Off in Genie2 Automatics I get very minimal flutter using MyMusic.

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No, I don’t use MyMusic program. I did have it before updating my settings etc but I just didn’t use it. Found the general program absolutely fine for listening to music until updating.

I had flutter frequently but rarely experience this now. I have a more prominent problem, which is internal audible whistling or tinkling when exposed to music and sounds at a similar frequency. I find this so strange as I’m not suffering from external feedback as I did previously. It is sometimes audible externally but my wife had to be very close to me to hear and she described it like a beep sound when it occurred.

I think @mdboy had a similar issue? It seems it could be caused by the Feedback Analyser or Optimiser or both or SR….

See, the General Program incorporates all the Speech enhancing settings, which totally degrade Music.
You really should get the MyMusic program put back, and do an A B test, to see the difference.


I agree. The My Music was put on this past week. We did increase the base to max just because (my audiogram). It sounds excellent over the air and very crisp highs to me anyway. Recommend it.

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I will consider adding this again, but it is also happening when watching programmes with music and also environmental noises. Not just music on its own.

So if I can eliminate this issue, overall music will be fine to me as I could hear this well when out and about on General overall yesterday, it was just that I was experiencing the tinkling or whistling now and then, and this just increased even more so when watching Eurovision last night.

So after a few experiments over the weekend, it appears it may be my brain perception as it’s related to Sh and Ss sounds. After realising and allowing my brain to understand these sounds, it stops.

I kept having the whistling type sound when I had my back to drilling and then as soon as I faced it, and my brain could see what it was, I no longer experience the whistling.

We tried blu tac to seal off my ears completely and it was still doing it hence why it appears to be more about my brain perceiving these sounds. It’s becoming easier the more I am exposed to these sounds and learning them so it appears I am now hearing more of these sounds that I couldn’t before. My speech has improved already and my speech perception without having to lip read has massively improved too.


Update on my issue. Went to audiologist today and it turned out it was caused by speech rescue. Turning this down to 2.4 and lowering the strength meant the feedback type whistling went away. No other settings were adjusted and Feedback Manager remains on normal and they ran Feedback Analyser again, and so far so good.


Based on your audiogram, using anything above the 2.4 configuration would not be as helpful for you because of your heavy loss above that range. Even at 2.4, that’s kind of borderline already. And it also makes sense that lowering the strength of the lowered sounds would help cut down on the feedback, because you now have a lot of sounds lowered and stacked up in that 2.4 range so if you drive all those stacked up sounds too hard, the energy can build up more quickly, leading to earlier feedback.


Makes sense. She did turn on the high frequency bands so hearing the tv etc was more audible as felt a bit dampened before.

Has improved but get the flutter a bit more than I did prior to this being turned on. So will look at turning this off again perhaps and adjusting the MPO or volume. But for now, this is a good place to be. I will take some time to settle now before doing any further adjustments.