Some hearing aids apps not best response, quality?

I use the Oticon remote to mute my aids. And the rocker on the aids to unmute the aids. Or ican use the connect clip in place of the remote control. I know so many don’t want to get either and part of me understands and part of me just says you don’t know what you are missing. I have completed given up on an app working properly.


100% agree with you, Chuck!
To me the CClip is the Swiss Army Knife of the assisted hearing devices!
BTW, the ON App was much more stable on my Pixel than the Companion, or Beta.
Those apps d/c multiple times per day.

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I understand your point of view.
My dispensing audiologist suggested I use the app and the programs he installed. It’s a long story, but not a successful one.
After taking his suggestion that I find someone else as helpful criticism I took his advice. I’m part way there.
Most days I put my hearing aids in and forget about them. I’m exhausted when I get home; I don’t hear well and get frequent “comments” there as an indicator I’m not doing well.

The little voice on my shoulder has said:
“They were the best when they were sold! They should work! What’s wrong with you!”
“They are Automatic Hearing Aids! They are junk! You can’t hear!”

Finally, now that someone else had done a quick fit that’s so much better, the voice says:
“Don’t touch them! You’ll ***** them up!”

I just want them to work.
I hope they last forever, or at least longer than me. I’ve hated getting them and living with awful setup!


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I have been wearing aids for 20 years. Whileni have had excellent hearing aids from the beginning, I have found that the best audiologist can make average hearing aids very good, and the top hearing aids as good as possible for my hearing loss. But an audiologist that doesn’t go above and beyond can’t even make the best aids usable.
I have also had to adjust my expectations for what is possible for my hearing experience even with having the very best aids for my needs. Hearing aids aren’t like glasses and will never function the way glasses normally help most eye glass users.


Hear here!

I have two

20 years too.

Single widex for almost 10. Awful. But bought what I could afford
Then hearing loss was bad enough from noise at work. First Audi was incredible. I shall be grateful always. Perfect.
