Solutions for excessive sweat?

Do it! Decorating my aids have made me enjoy wearing them and it’s kinda fun.

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HA! HA!!! LOVE IT! I am inspired. Skins on the staid, boring, BMW-toned Phonaks would kick some butt out there. Can’t wait to get mine. I ordered 3 pairs.

Well, a girl’s gotta have a wardrobe! :star_struck:


I bought boring-colored aids to blend in with my hair in professional settings where expressions of individuality are Frowned Upon. Fortunately, those situations fill a very small percentage of my time. I can’t justify buying two pairs just to have a more fun color the rest of the time, but I’m well on my way to building a collection of accessories!

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I really like stickers on other people HAs but don’t get on well with them on mine. They end up sticking to the back of my ears.

Think it’s because I have such little space between my ears and my head. I also have big HAs.

I really like my pink Phonak Sky M70 SP but hear better with my Phonak Naida P70 UP which are chrome as didn’t get a choice on colour.

My Oticon Xceed are chrome but are slightly different colour to my Phonak and think it’s nicer.


My solution (when I sweated, working in the summer garden) was to wear a bandana tied “Tonto-style” around my head. For me, that did the trick. Of course I didn’t wear it for 8 hours, but you could alter such with the HA covers that others recommend.

The accessories at Etsy are amazing! Little jewels to hang on the colored, straw-type tubes. Or even the HA charm with chain to clip onto a BTE. Well, this gal in WI has some really amazing creativity!

I toyed with using one of those permanent, metallic pens to draw spirals, hearts or stars all over my aids, but then I thought, “What if that voids the warrantey?” No guts.

I’m guessing you have a bigger wardrobe of these colorful aids than SHOES! And that’s the way to LIVE! :grinning:

That’s how I clean house & bathrooms at home, Kemosabe! You betcha. I live in a super humid place, and even with AC on, the humidity can get in the high 70s%.

I finally figured out a regimen for DRYING/UV my aids every day, too. At the end of the day, I drop that pair worn into the UV/Sanitizer. Next morning, those same aids go into their charging base. I put on the OTHER pair of rechargeables and repeat.

If I have a slathering workout, my aids go into the Redux dryer, but curiously, there’s never a LOT of water being removed (as per the reading on the screen). I figure that’s cuz the BTE bean is hermetically sealed on these Lumity Life aids. But what about the receivers that have simple double domes on the ends?

I’m very much a person who only owns what I need.

2 x pairs of winter boots and 2 x pairs of summer shoes. I also own 1 pair of walking boots.

I will be taking part in a 30 day declutter challenge very soon. Will just get a challenge to my email everyday.

I’m currently in hospital so I’ll have to start my challenge a bit late.

I sold my none Bluetooth Aids but I’m keeping my Bluetooth Aids as it also means less accessories as the Bluetooth is actually in the hearing aids.

A UK well known person says you should only own a max of 100 items. He said his son would not pass the challenge as his Lego stuff is well over 1000 items.:rofl::rofl::rofl:


That is fabulous!! While I also believe in a clutter-free lifestyle, I confess: I have not parted with the expedition wear that I used 17 years living a mile high. And since moving to the tropics, I’m collecting too many flip-flops and rubbah slippahs to walk in the rain. Good luck on the challenge.


I’m gonna throw my 2 cents worth in.
I own/live on a small (hobby) farm. I can work up a considerable sweat just doing chores/maintenance. My current aids are Phonak Naida Paradise 90UP 675 Battery.
These are the first aids I ever owned that do not stop working because the batteries got wet. There is never any sweat inside when I check them. I also do use a dryer a couple days a week. During my weekly cleaning I never encounter anything like rust/corrosion in the battery compartment.

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How big are the drying packs you have? I feel that I could get some bigger ones that last longer