Smart Fit 1.9 Now Available As Of 11/23/2020

Am updating now. Will add any comments based on update experience or firmware updates available.

Edit_Update: Updating to Smart Fit 1.9 allowed me to update my Quattro’s to firmware version (ReSound seems to have changed the number format a bit). My HA’s, perhaps because of DIY with a “standalone” version of Smart Fit, wouldn’t update through v1.9 of the Smart 3D app either run under iOS v14.2 on an iPhone 6S or Android Pie on a Galaxy Note 8. Not sure if I somehow messed up my right HA NAL-NL2 fitting algorithm before (just done thru autofit) but after the Smart Fit and firmware update just on glancing over the fit, my right HA was significantly off fit in midfrequencies so I just recalculated the fit for all programs for both ears. BT connectivity seems a little more solid and now pausing streaming does not cause the HA’s to relax to “hear everything” if you have streaming focus set or the external mics turned off. You can resume streaming and go right back to listening with the same degree of focus on the BT stream that you had before you paused.

I’ve had the same experience updating Smart Fit that I’ve had since about v1.6 or so. I can’t sucessfully update through the existing Smart Fit installation. I have to download the complete new version of Smart Fit, install that, and have it overwrite the previous version. Smart Fit, at least as far as disk content, seems to do a good job of removing previous version content (haven’t checked the registry). I unthinkingly installed v1.9 to my system C: drive, leaving the failed update attempt on my D: drive. When I uninstalled v1.9 from the C: drive to reinstall where I really wanted it, the v1.9 install/removal cleaned out the D: drive \Program Files(x86) failed update attempt, too, as well as removing itself from the C: drive (not sure exactly when in the install/removal process for v1.9 the D: drive removal occurred but when I checked the uninstall from C:, the detritus on D: was gone, too.). On reinstalling v1.9 on the D: drive, was able to connect to and update my Quattro firmware. In spite of the previous uninstall of both v1.9 and the v1.8 failed update, the new install of v1.9 connected perfectly to my previous database HA profiles.

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Not sure whether Smart Fit v1.9 update and recalculating fit curves did it, whether I just have too much wax in my ears distorting mold fit, or whether my ear canals or molds are changing shape. But in the last few days, I’ve been having a small amount of very high frequency feedback in both ears, particularly if I bend my head so one ear comes closer to a shoulder, put my hand near an ear, or my head comes close to an object. Before, from previous feedback tests, my HA’s needed very little feedback protection as shown for the gain curves and feedback areas (light gray) descending from the top of the graphs for each ear. I am wearing essentially a totally occlusive fit. The BEFORE and AFTER results are for my gain settings for the ReSound All-Around program. My fit is based on the NAL-NL2 algorithm using the ReSound Experienced Non-Linear user profile settings for that.

Results from pre-existing feedback test (with fitting curves already recalculated).

Results from running new feedback test after firmware update to Quattro firmware
and recalculating all fitting curves for each ear

The results after show slightly more leakage in frequency regions where sound was previous escaping my ear molds but there is a ton more high frequency leakage, which goes along with my experience over the last few days of hearing more extremely high pitched squealing occasionally. Even after the feedback adjustment, I can still hear high-pitched squealing if I bring my hand near my left ear - for a mold with no vent but missing a small bit of one surface after being left at the audi’s office for a receiver replacement.

I seem to remember in the past from doing in-situ audiometry and playing around with a tone generator that I could never hear 8K tones very well even supposedly maxed out. And that’s in spite of the supposed Quattro advantage to reproduce high-frequency tones that many other HA’s don’t have the range for. I wonder if with the firmware ReSound added some extra umpf to high frequency output (or maybe my ears are just too full of wax, distorting my fit! :see_no_evil:)

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