Sleeping on Your Side with CI

Hello All CI Recipients,

I recognize that many CI recipients have and implant on both sides; however, I have single sided hearing loss and recently received a CI on the right side. I’m curious to know how many of you sleep on your side and how it affects your implant. I try not to sleep on my right side because sometimes it causes soreness. How do you all overcome sleeping on your implants? Or does it even bother you to sleep on your side?

I am bilateral and have always been a side sleeper. Outside of the couple of weeks after surgery (and the two sides wee done 10 months apart) I have had no problems sleeping on my sides.


I’m bimodal and I sleep on my R side. It doesn’t effect my implant at all. I started sleeping on that side about 3 weeks post op.


The best part of being deaf is the sleep. After removing the CI, I can’t hear a thing! Helps me sleep like a baby! Normal hearing people will never know the peace of sleep in noisy situations! Love it!

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heh, I still hear the noise on my non CI ear. i wish i can turn it off while in the plane… that would be awesome!

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Sleep on the CI side (with the sound processor removed of course!). That way, you can hear the smoke alarm, clock alarm, wife snoring, etc!

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I’m bilateral. Have no problem sleeping on either side.

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