Site errors and freezes

Hi all
Been trying to update my profile and it appears to be impossible. I have attempted to update multiple times over the last 2 years yet it never saves update. It will let me update my audiogram but not my profile. Thinking i may need to just delete my account all together and start over instead of displaying outdate info. Anyone know the secret to saving an updated profile? Tnx

PS is everyone having issues with this site loading pages today? Just getting this posted took great effort. Site freezes often

No problems here. I suspect the problem may be with your PC and internet connection.

Updated my profile in the past couple of days, without any problem.

Thanks. Im using my phone. Doesnt seem to matter if im on data or wifi, still issues. I was finally able to update my profile but it still freezes at updating audiogram.

What app or browser are you using on your phone to view the forum?
Also, older phones may lack the processing power and memory to successfully interact with this forum.

I have a Samsung S21 at android 13, using Chrome browser. Tnx

With that phone + OS + Chrome browser, theoretically you should not be having any problems.
In a past life I used to do software testing of apps across Windows, iOS and Android devices.
We would test PCs using Chrome browser + 2 recent Windows OS (e.g. Windows 11, 10), the Safari browser on iOS and Chrome on a Samsung phone running Android.
We always encountered the most problems on Android and the developers would fix as many of these as possible (within budget)
I suggest you contact the owner of this forum and ask him if his developers have tested using Chrome on Android 13 on Samsung? If they have not, then an undetected bug is most likely the cause of your problems.
For reference, I am using a 7 year old Toshiba laptop (8GB RAM) running Windows 10 and have no problems using the forum.