Signia and charger

Hi all

So finally I’ve decided to purchase SIGNIA 7IX and I’ve got the surprise of my life :))
The hearing aid doesn’t come with the charger .
I must purchase it separately.

Is it normal or my country is that f… d up?

Please advise.

I don’t think that is normal, every rechargeable HA comes with a charger as standard.

I don’t think your country is bad, it could be worst, for example, having Nicolae Ceaușescu back in charge of the country. :astonished: :fearful:


ok, thanks.
I hope people using SIGNIA will answer my question.

Yeah that’s definitely not right, can’t freakin use them otherwise, hopefully it’s an “oversight”

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They definitely come with a wired charger. The portable charger is an extra accessory.

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