Signia 7IX Hearing Aids

I have one additional complication – I paid $300 for new ear molds with Signia top of the line, highest power receivers. I’m reasonably sure that, technically, they could be installed in most any alternate brand designed for high power output. Whether or not I can find anyone who would do that is another story! Does anyone have any experience or suggestion with this matter?

Are the receivers removable, like you have soft silicone molds, if yes they just pull out, but the sealed hard acrylic types are not, slim tips or hollow type you can also remove, but they don’t usually have high power receiver fitted tho.

I was unclear – I love the receivers and the molds. Can/Will any competent audi wire them into a new other brand of sufficient power for my need? I’m reasonable sure that technically, all they need is hooking up to any aid with sufficient power in the receiver circuit. My background is in instrumentation, but not hearing aids, other than about 45 years usage experience. (I am 95 years old - jack of all trades, master of none.)

Um definitely not, the receiver “plug” is totally different for a start, most are now 6 and 8 pin contacts and will only work with the correct “chip” in the HAs, I don’t see what your trying to do, don’t you like the Signia models you use? Sometimes it’s just cheaper/easier to buy/use the manufacturer’s set up for each brand/models.

Widex uses the same receivers as Signia and they can be used with each other, they’re not interchangeable with other brands though.
[Signia adapted receivers from Widex during the switch to the AX line to be specific, they’re both owned by the same company]

Thank you. Now, all I need is to figure out how to retrieve the molds & receivers when I return the aids.

Also, in response to a previous response, . the Signia aids work well!, but the thought of living with their app and auxiliary equipment for the rest of my life is too much. (I am 95).

Thank you, Reginald. I guess you are saying that replacing the connector on a receiver can’t be done,? – or, the effort would cost more than a new receiver,?

I don’t fully understand what you’re asking, the connectors/receivers for both Signia and Widex are the same.
For other brands they’re different ant it cannot be done as far as I know.
[some providers in EU started using universal plugs/gaskets for the molds than can fit various manufacturers but it’s still quite new]

So - does Widex make an aid that will satisfy my need - severe to profound - and how good is the accompanying app & equip. I have not been tracking Widex

They certainly do, but will they “satisfy” your needs is something only you can possibly know, so fist thing first, from a clinic that can offer a trial period to see for yourself.
The app is fine and as good as any others, check it out in Google play store or iTunes store, download and check it out in DEMO mode.


Good suggestion - will do.

I wear Signia AX7 aids, primarily for playing music (I wear an Osia bone conduction aid for most else. ) I like the Signia aids but I’ve really only tried two brands. So my experience is limited. Many musicians tout Widex for playing music. Tenkan, you seem to have tried both. I know it always comes down to each individual’s own experience. and I’m not looking to get new aids for some timee! but I’m curios as to your impressions.

Jeff I had the Evokes and really liked them, but I still took the X’s over them, actually as of now my resound One’s are my daily drivers (except for work ; )
So I never got to try long term the new Moment models with PureSound tech, so for me speech comprehension is best with my Ones at the moment, so I’m always behind the scenes on older models until I see/find something “game changing” to bother updating, I’m not impressed with anything…but I’m watching those Oticon Intent’s, I last used OPN S models ( had a few earlier models from Oticon as well) and just never liked them, Intent is quite possibly something else going by the real world reviews but of course totally different from what Widex is doing/offering, for music at least Widex has no complaints, it’s a no brainer for any musicians, can’t comment on how these flair for speech comprehension tho which I class as more important for me.

Yep, the Intents are getting rave reviews for speech in noise in particular. This last isn’t much of an issue for me, so I’m less drawn to try them. But for the majority of folks here, they may well be important and very helpful.

Unfortunately there’s no brand which got it all. When it comes to accessories Phonak definitely has the best range, on the other hand their hearing devices have been lagging behind.
It would be helpful if you could specify which accessories you’re the most interested in.
For now the accessories are proprietary to each brand, but this should change with LE Audio gaining wider adoption, as you should be able to connect to anything that has it,

Really? This is news to me. Can you please explain how.

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It’s just my subjective opinion. Comparatively, especially with things like Oticon Intents, they’re behind, worse overall sound performance, battery life, old connectivity protocols and in my own opinion design (I’m a fan of what Signia did with Styletto line and Widex with Smart RICs, a bit longer but flatter).
On top of that their remote mics range uses idiotic, cumbersome and purely artificial licensing scheme just to gouge more money out of you.

Don’t be mistaken though, I’m particularly critical of all of them.

I think you might be right on some of these points. Some are demonstrable and outright true. The RIC battery life is inferior to Signia/Oticon.

Overall sound performance though is highly subjective. It may be that some people prefer what they hear as natural sound of an Oticon. This has to be balanced on the fact that the Phonak is optimised for speech comprehension.

Sleek design of Styletto/Smart RIC has outright benefit of +5dB or thereabouts. This is definitely a plus.

Connectivity protocols - assume you mean bluetooth/LE Audio. Yes, agree there. But on the other hand Phonak bluetooth connection is the most reliable from what I can see.

Hmm… Roger Mics… Yes, I don’t like the licensing model, but do own the Roger On In, and for me it’s a life saver in French class and other environments. Hefty price tag, yes, but enables me to function. I have severe/profound loss so this is vital.

Speech in noise - yes, Intents ahead at the moment, but let’s see what Phonak bring out in August.

Btw I wear both Oticon/Phonak. Just see arguments from both sides. You make the Phonak sound like an old banger, metaphorically speaking! I can assure you it’s not. I wear a BTE Naida Lumity SP. I believe it’s the most current super power out there.


But of course, I’m still of the opinion that even the best devices are only as good as the person which is fitting them.

That being said, they are all guilty of outlandish claims and unethical marketing tactics. For me though Phonak stands out lately.


Anyone considering the purchase of Signia Pure Charge&Go IX hearing aids should read this article: