There’s a fair bit of “as far as I know” and “seems to be the same except” and “well no, you think it’s one brand but it’s actually closer to another” in all this discussion about Costco aids. Undoubtedly Costco provides excellent aids at much lower prices than others can match. This is a very very good thing. It’s just, claims that one Costco brand is identical to X brand that independent providers carry…except for…maybe not…others say differently…–.clouds the whole picture. In a way, who cares? If you find an aid that performs great for you at Costco; maybe even better than the aid you tried at a private provider, that costs more…go for it! A rose by any other name is a Costco rose, and all that.
p.s. I bought Signia AX7 aids for full price from a private business. Are they the same as Rexton bi-core at Costco? some say yes, some say no. The more I read, the more I think we don’t actually know.
My gut tells me, no.