Siemens StreamLine TV Transmitter issues


I have purchase the Siemens StreamLine TV transmitter box to work with my Signia Motion 13P Nx HA’s. I have set up the box as per the instructions (which are very light in details) and connected it to the TV via the Toslink cable. I have a iPhone 11 with the Signia App, everything works to start with and then the TV box drops out when the iPhone goes to sleep. When I re-awake the phone the app then says it is not connected as the phone is streaming to a different device, which it is not. There is no other BT device connected other than it showing the TV BT signal is available.

The strange thing is that if I turn the blue tooth off on the iPhone to the aids then the sounds starts to transmit again from the TV box to the HA’s again and you can adjust the volume via the app as this is still relayed through the high pitch sound from the speakers to the HA’s for adjustment. But the App won’t allow you to control the TV box as it says the BT is disconnected!!

Any ideas as it seems a lot of money for a TV box which won’t stay connected to the App, the only positive at the moment is that the latency is very low so there are no lip sync or echo issues.

The Streamline TV feeds directly to your aids. Requires no intermediate device.

Ok Thanks Morgan, what the purpose of having the TV Volume control which then shows up on the App when the device is turned on.

So does this mean that I could have brought any low latency (40 millisecond) BT transmitter for around £30 and done the same job?

Do a search on… Signia Motion 13P Nx and read up on your aids and the
StreamLine TV on the Signia site. BTW, I prefer not to use a auto connect feature.

Thanks Morgan, excellent find, I will run through those instructions today.