Should I switch from open dome?


I suffer from otosclerosis and have some loss across all frequencies. I have had hearing aids with open domes for about 8 years and have been getting by. However, I am starting to question if this is the ideal fit for me, I struggle daily in the office to understand some of my coworkers (those who are soft spoken ofcourse). I always feel on edge and worry about mishearing or not catching what people are saying. I also fiddle alot with my volume in the office feeling like I need it on full blast to even understand what is being said.

My first question is perhaps, am I expecting too much from a hearing aid. Perhaps I will never be able to understand everyone and just simply have to ask them to speak up? Or should I start exploring other domes that could perhaps boost the lows a bit more?

Maybe on the left, certainly on the right.

Pending a bit of a re-adjustment in the software.


I switched to closed/vented domes recently. I had open domes for two years, but had trouble with speech in noise and soft speakers. Closed domes work much better for me. I got used to my booming voice, chewing, etc., not a big deal to me.


I see, my audiologist did make me try out a pair of vented domes once and I instantly said that it sounded way to boomy so they lowered the low frequency to basically zero and then I was like, why should I even have vented domes then so I went back to open. But perhaps I need to make an effort to adapt to the new type of sound.

I switched to closed domes then to power domes and have been very pleased with the over all sound improvement. The power domes have more noticeable occlusion but they work for me.

Also, I stream music a lot and open domes have too little bass response for streaming music and were just not adequate for me.

Many prefer custom molds however, which I may consider at some point. I heard they can offer the best sound and comfort. That said, the domes have not been too uncomfortable for me.

Also they hooked my HAs up to their software and had my hearing profile adjusted with each dome change. It also got rid of the feedback I was experiencing with the open domes.

I should also ask what HAs do you have? Some companies have different dome options. And maybe a tunning adjustment would help.

Based on the audogram you might be a good candidate. I give it a try and see but ask the audiologist

I had issues too.

The dispensing Audi had me in vented domes. Lots of holes

I discovered by accident I needed to change. I had put fingers in both my ears Hearing Aids were much larger. So I went to domes with two tiny holes. They were louder. So I knew they were better for me

I’m now using power domes. Large in left ear. Medium in right ear

And the dispensing Audi fired me so I could find someone else. I’m glad he did

First time I tried Power Domes the audi I had didn’t explain anything at all.
He put L Power Domes on and I left. They really bothered me. I blamed the domes. They were the wrong size. I wore them 2 days and stopped.

Now 2 hearing aid providers later (dispensing audi & now a hearing instrument provider) I’m using Power Domes again. I have two medium sized ones. I think that the Power Domes for the Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s are flimsier; I know they’re a different size. They’re marked differently on the box. Different receivers I think. Compared to my old Phonaks.
Point is–I can wear these. The old ones I couldn’t.

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I would suggest using vented domes, personally I found that wearing custom molds are the best for me since the venting is customized to me and they are not only comfortable but they stay in my ears all day.

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Thank you for all the replies. I will give vented domes another try. To answer @RSW I have a pair of Signia 7AX. So I guess I have Tulips and Vented Click Sleeve to choose from. I have tried using tulips without reprogramming my hearing aid before and I felt like they kept sliding out of my ear, hopefully the Click Sleeves will stay in place. The sleeves also have a lot more sizes to choose from. Not sure I am ready for a custom mold just yet.

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You will probably get better hearing with domes or molds that are as closed as you can tolerate. Probably won’t have to go fully closed, which would be pretty uncomfortable.

I have resisted closed domes. The audi has suggested it a couple times, but knows I am against. I don’t love the earplug feeling, and I and hanging on with my fingernails to be able to hear as much real ambient sound as I can.
but I too am starting to think that maybe I need to embrace it.
I’m concerned though about that occluded feeling, and loosing too much natural sound.
Also concerned about ear canal irritation…and wonder which would be better…closed domes or cut to the chase and try molds. I guess my hearing isn’t that bad but it seems to be degrading

Fair enough. But your low frequency hearing is normal. Different kettle of fish when you have 20-40dB low frequency loss.

I’m in my third day in power domes right now.

I pretty much immediately disliked them. They’re weird: I get this inconsistent occlusion and pressure build up. Like one minute they’re fine, and the next minute I’m occluded or have pressure build up, over and over again. And it’s profoundly strange when I chew. Or even smile.

Are custom molds like that or does the custom venting solve those issues?

(I was only put in power domes because we couldn’t find a suitable double vented dome that fit my ears.)

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For me I tried power domes to help with the bass but the occlusion hurt my ears. I love my custom molds because I don’t get the “stuffy” feeling. I prefer to use half shell molds since they are the most comfy for me. I’d recommend talking with your audiologist or buying from Lloyd’s hearing aids. They have some of the best customer service in my opinion and I feel like many other members will agree.

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I went ahead and am now trying out tulips and click sleeves again. It will surely take some getting used to since with Open I could actually forget I even had hearing aids in, could barely feel them. I find myself constantly pushing on the domes with my finger to make sure they are far in enough. The sleeves for example just barely peek out of my ear canal, guess thats how they are supposed to sit since the bend on the wire does not allow for them to go further in any ways. But yeah, after reprogramming I will probably move over to either tulips or vented sleeves, not sure which one yet.

Do you mean single or double power domes? Double would be overkill, single with a couple of vent holes might be OK for an experienced wearer - I’d probably be starting you in those and deal with the occlusion as we encountered it.

This is a good graphic for the Oticon options.

I was initially fit with 8mm double vent bass domes, but they didn’t physically fit in my ear; they were too big. The next size down, 6mm, were too small.

I didn’t try single-vent bass domes.

I was eventually fit with 6mm power domes as shown. My audiologist said I didn’t need power domes but it was a good option because of the physical fit. The sound is great but I’m not a fan at all of the fit.

I’ve been down the same path as you.
It’s been about6? years for me.

Back then the fill-in audi put me in Power Domes without any explanation (except he also said I might need more powerful=new hearing aids.) I lasted 2 days. He put me in large with no alternate sizes.

Now I’m back in Power Domes and have been for about 3? months. My hearing instrument specialist has me in large in the Left ear and medium in the Right ear. (Kind of a pain; hard to remember.)

Some days are good; some aren’t so good. I had severe trouble with my very first hearing aid which was a Widex in the ear device. It actually hurt to wear when they remade it. Then I would take it out. Before then every time I ate and chewed it squealed on me. I’m very reluctant to go manufactured

My conclusion–these little domes are a horrible invention and pain in a tender spot. So are the new wax guards that Phonak is using now. I’ve optimized both of mine…and I’m making do on good days. On bad days I wonder why hearing aid companies make such junk.

You have a bunch of symptoms. My impression…if they squeal they’re too small. Or the dome is falling back out of your ear. I’ve always used to use sports locks on my hearing aids. Maybe they would help you by keeping the receiver/dome in the ear where it belongs. And maybe you need an assortment of sizes to see what size you really need. Finally, my audi who dispensed my Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s suggested I take the dome with the two tiny holes in it and cut it with scissors on the silicone flap. So I would take the next larger size and snip it and use that…if I wanted to play.

Don’t forget that changing the domes affects your setup. And that’s in never-never land where we can’t adjust it ourselves, but it requires a setup change by the audi.

Good luck.