I’m up for new aides and have been entertaining the thought of going to one of the club stores to purchase aides. Can anyone give me the pros and cons of doing something like this? The last aides she fitted me with I wasn’t impressed with at all and they cost over $6000. Price point at clubs is on the money and reviews from Consumer reports are good. Any input would be appreciated.
After doing a big of research on line and in discussion with a friend, I bought my first aids from Costco almost a year ago now - KS8’s. No regrets at all in going to Costco. I have been difficult to fit due to a substantial loss in my left ear. Have lost track of the number of times I have been back for adjustments. Most of them were at my initiative, in wanting to try something different for prescription formula or fittings. I eventually got impressions for custom molds and tried them for 3 months, but could not tolerate them in my ears. They gave a me a full refund with no questions asked. They do not charge for audiograms, follow up fittings, replacement off the shelf fittings, and wax guards. Their standard is to do a full REM test and adjustment when any change is made to the targets or fittings.
The current KS9 aids are very similar to the Phonak M90 Marvel aids but with a 312 battery, no tinnitus option, a more basic app, and no Roger compatibility. Basic functionality is the same as the M90. They are a very good buy if they are suitable for your needs at $1500 a pair. They do have other options with name brands on them, but will cost more.
If you’re not happy with your audiologist, then definitely ditch her. If money is a concern, then I’d definitely try Costco (not Sam’s Club). Advantages of Costco: PRICE, generally reliable level of quality control/service, Assuming you’re in the US, a 180 day return period, good warranty and service Disadvantage: Not good if you’re a particularly challenging patient to fit with special needs like CROS, Roger device, etc., some may be bothered by buying hearing aids in a warehouse store, depending on location, may be a long drive, ?? If you have a Costco nearby, disadvantages are minimal in my opinion. If money is not a concern, spend some time researching the best audiologists in your area and go see one. It’ll cost you more, but you MIGHT find incrementally better service than Costco.
Used Costco before I went with the VA. Was very happy with the price, service, product and follow up. If I wasn’t using the VA now I would go back to them in a heartbeat.
Thanks for your feedback. I like my audiologist but per price point is way out. Bought Moxie with North platform. Guess I’m getting a Costco membership and giving it a whirl.
I had a look at Sam’s Club and I couldn’t see any hearing aids at all. I know they used to carry America Hears aids. @debbiea2010, are you associated with them?
After using a local hearing aid fitter for the past 8 years, and needing an updated set of HAs, I tried Costco. It broke my heart to leave the local fitter. The local fitter only supported one brand, did not have a hearing testing booth and did not use best practices (i.e. real ear fitting, for example). Basically, technology has passed them by. So I tried Costco with some skepticism.
A great experience. They use best practices and the fitter (no audiologist at this location) explained all Costco locations adhered to the most stringent requirements of the most stringent state. Also, they have a “no questions asked” refund for up to 6 months after fitting. My local fitter was 30 days. So how can you go wrong by trying Costco?
You may go back to your original fitter, but Costco is certainly worth a look.
I purchased the KS9 which apparently are Phonak’s but without some of the bells and whistles of the $6,000 pair. I was willing to live without those enhancements.
So, in my opinion, in addition to the saving, you DO get good service, well-trained fitters, great terms and quality products. I wore aids for 8 prior years so I had a leg up on a ‘newbie’ by knowing what to expect. They exceeded my expectations.
I would give them a try. Why not?
Yes. We carry Lucid hearing aids. They were developed by Henry Smith here in America. I have sold all the major manufacturers except Starkey and Unitron. I have little to no experience with those. I really enjoy working with and selling the Lucid hearing aids. They are truly workhorses with little need of repairs. The computer chip uses multiple channels to control sound instead of using Wide Dynamic Range Compression. My customers who have used other brands say the Lucid aids deliver a clear, understandable signal that seems more natural sounding to them. I hope you will consider them while you are investigating products. We are in over 500 Sam’s Club stores.