Searching for fitting software

Very nice, Juergen - thank you.

Too bad Oticon’s Genie fitting software isn’t as readily available as these others.

Can you explain a little about this link you mentioned for obtaining cables? I assume these are programming cables like the CS44, etc. which connect the HiPro to the HI? My German is completely terrible!

Resound software at

I can send you whatever software you want, it won’t be any good to you unless you have a hi pro box and the appropriate cables for your hearing aids. Let me know if you still want software

You are right,
of course every one needs the hardware also, if he wants to do the programming.

The Idea is to create a complete list of free software for everyone.

I will add every link I get at the top of this threat.

Most people are glad if they can see what is possible with the software and than they are able to discuss with there audiologist.

Some are willing to do the programming by them self.

Sorry if my wording is not the best, I´m from Germany

I have found the link to the latest Genie 2009 software and downloaded it…What else do i need to self program? I have the latest Duals fro Oticon…


jmorgis if you have the genie software don’t hold out on us! Please share the link. :smiley: Juergen can then add it to his compiled list.

You will need a Hipro box and CS44 cables and Cs53 flex strips. All these items take great persistence to acquire. Check out some of the other threads on self programming on this site.

I added the link to my summary of software for hearing aids

Here’s a small thing about Genie, I haven’t seen the very latest version with Dual instruments though. To see everything what one can change about gain with Vigo and Epoq, click little arrows around the gain number boxes. With Delta, expand the screen by clicking the third box down on the left when on a fitting screen.

Kind regards,


Most software have those options. They are called many different names. You have to find the icon that puts you into the more advanced screen, and even then you have to find the icon that toggles thru or goes to the max options. In most software you can change defaults in tool bar (preferences) and get the more advanced options, without searching each page. A good portion of software comes with the defaults set to the simplest fitting options.

the new producst (rise platform products) are programed using the Genie 2007, 200u8 or 2009 depending on what you have. the older products (legacy) you use the genie 9 (i think) which is a different software.

One thing the genie 2009 lacks is the CR… the old genie 9 you had the option to view the entire CR’s. Starkey, had a nice graphical view of the CR
with little bars… I really like this…

I have client looking for software for Starkey Destiny CIC, Starkey destiny 1200, Starkey S11 and Oticon Digifocus behind ear when purchasing the USB Hi-pro from me. Will you be able to provide the software for both Starkey and Oitcon?

Hmm … I’m not sure that it’s a good idea to use this forum to discuss possibly illegal use of software.

Just because you can find a set of software on the web does NOT mean that you have a legal licence to use it.

This web site caters to the whole of the HOH community, not just the handful of ‘self programmers’.

It would a shame for this site to have legal problems because of this software ‘issue’ …


It depends on how this software is being purchased.

If everyone can download and use for instance the software iPFG 2.4 from Phonak’s official website without any key or serial number and in the disclaimer which pops out during the installation procedure is no note that explicitly only registered audiologists are entitled to use the software, then it is not illegal to use the software for HoH people to adjust their own hearing aids.

I feel that we should not discuss subtle, potential juridical problems that rather scare people than inform them without any concrete argument at hand. I think that is the responsibility of the webmaster of this forum to advise on what kind of discussions they wish to have and which ones they want to ban. If you feel uncomfortable then you might write an email to the webmaster and point him to this issue because I’m sure that he is very well informed about the legal side of running a forum of this calibre and that he would act accodringly for the case that something is not right.

It seems the most obvious outcome of discussing access to software and hardware (icube) on forums, is the risk of having the access taken away. Phonak probably had hundreds of complaints from dispensers.
For the fairly tech savy HOH to be able to review software and potentials of an aids adjustability seems so reasonable and somewhat falls in line with the attempt by the industry to have end users feel some level of control. (trainable hearing aid)

Hello everyone

I’m new to this form and the new proud owner of Siemens Pure 300’s with the TEK remote.
I’m pleasantly surprised at the amount of informations on this forum, I do have a question to ask.
Where if any place could I get a copy of the Connexx software to program my TEK remote and HA’s? Is that what I need or is there something else I should be looking for?
Thank you all in advance for your replies.

Beside the software, you will require to get the right cable and Hi-Pro to programme your hearing aids. You may get the Hi-pro here

The connexx software at here

The CS44 cable at here

Good luck to your self-programming.

I have been wearing hearing aids from HearSource for about a year now and they provided me with the software, programming kit and even personal assistance when I needed it. Don’t know if their equipment will work with other brands.

Thanks for the reply danielchin, It appears the link to the connexx is broken, could you repast it please. :smiley:
I found one place that had the Connexx 6.2 but was missing the “Siemens Manufactures Instrument Database” so it didn’t list any hearing instruments when launched…:confused:

Hi Jurgen,

Can you supply CS63 Cables?