Question: When I’m scrolling in the forum when I get down to nearly to the end of what I’m reading, I get disturbance and double ghosting blinking of what I’m looking at. It’s always just at the end of the post, when the last person has posted in that subject. And I can repeat it by going up a bit but it still does it. It does it not matter if I’m using the mouse or not. And just on this laptop. The Toshiba isn’t doing it. So strange. I also opened other files with more pages and an Excel type long file, but it didn’t do it then. It’s just doing it in the forum, inside posts when I get to the bottom of those posts. This is on a new Dell Inspiron 15. Also, the scroll bar on the right shows an addition gray square to select while it’s doing the weird stuff. Doesn’t matter if I use a mouse, or keys, or the touchpad to scroll. Does it with them all.
Dell has been having this issue for nearly a decade. It is rare but happens. There is no known fix. (there is no known cause, seems to have several causes!) If your laptop is under warranty get it replaced.
causes have been dirt under certain keys, people adjusting video and program settings and so on. Simple fixes but seem to happen mostly to Dells.
Many thanks @Ronshere! So the best thing to do is get it replaced? It’s still under the 2 week return time, so easy to do. So if I get another Dell like this one which I really like, there’s a chance it will be okay?
PROBLEM SOLVED!!! “The issue seemed to be that the 150% windows scaling and the website were having conflicts, so it would seem that changing the chrome browser zoom to 90% fixes that graphical issue.”
That was the quote from the Best Buy Geek Squad tech who looked at the situation and found the solution. It seems to be working okay now. Yay!