Science Friday Podcast on Tinnitus

A discussion of tinnitus, its possible origins, and various treatment avenues under investigation. The researcher being interviewed, Dr. Gabriel Corfas, director of the Kresge Hearing Research Institute at the University of Michigan, is a bit hard to understand at times because of his accent, but I learned a lot I didn’t know about tinnitus and the various treatment modalities under investigation. In addition to the online audio, a text transcript of the interview is available at the bottom of the following Science Friday web page:

Why Is Tinnitus So Hard To Understand And Treat? (


I have been using the Lenire treatment for one week. Sitting listening to test tones for an hour a day with electric stimulation of the tongue is supposed to work, but could drive you batty. My audiologist will evaluate me after a month, but I am beginning to wonder if sitting for an hour listening to test tones and getting my tongue zapped is more annoying than the tinnitus. Let you know in a month.

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I started Lenire over a year ago and it has worked very well for me. My tinnitus went from desperate and horrible to the point now where it isn’t much of a factor in my life at all.

At first, I did two separate 30 minute treatments a day. After about 6 months, I reduced it to once/day. Now, I do it about every third day. The only activity I’ve ever done during a treatment is reading.

I never found the experience annoying. For me, it has always been relaxing, a form of meditation. I also found that I wasn’t aware of my tinnitus during a treatment so it served as a temporary refuge from that.

I encourage you to stick with it.

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Got a chuckle out of your post about the treatment maybe being worse than the disease

Someone on this site was discussing the tinnitus software on there aids and said it was really just replacing one annoying sound wit another annoying sound